Zooey Deschanel just said something SO important about maternity leave

Everyone who’s had a baby, preparing to give birth, or even just thinking about having a baby is probably aware of the fact that it takes some time to recover from the trauma a body goes through during delivery. Whatever kind of delivery it is, a parent needs time off work. And besides the physical recovery a mom needs, she also should spend some time and bond with her little one! However, the U.S. doesn’t exactly rank high on the list of developed countries who actually pay for this kind of absence. In the November issue of Cosmopolitan (out October 11th), New Girl star (and our queen), Zooey Deschanel, talks maternity leave and why she’s thankful for the time she had with 14-month-old daughter, Elsie Otter.

“We live in a country that doesn’t give paid maternity leave. I felt very lucky to have an employer who was understanding and let me have, like, four months with my baby before I had to go back to work."


Unfortunately, it’s not easy for new and expectant mothers to receive the same kind of deal. A lot of parents get by with minimal days off to bond with the new baby and/or go without pay. Neither is ideal and we’re hoping things begin to shift in the coming years. Deschanel, who’s married to producer Jacob Pechnik, has returned to our beloved show for Season 6 after four months off to spend with baby Elsie Otter. Megan Fox stepped into a guest-starring role to fill the void and while she’s fantastic as Nick Miller’s (played by Jake Johnson) love interest, Reagan, we’re happy to have Zooey back.

Maternity leave isn’t the only topic Deschanel has discussed. Deschanel has spoken about motherhood in previous issues of Cosmo in terms of body image and why she wouldn’t let it rule her world post-baby and we can’t help but give her a standing ovation.

"I’ve always gone my own course and never been someone who had the need to be super skinny. I like a healthy look. I don’t buy into that skinny-is-better mentality," she said.

We love this about her! She goes on to add, "I just eat healthy and work out and don’t worry about my weight too much. Actresses aren’t models, and most of them never wanted to be."

Thank you for saying all the things we’re feeling, Zooey! Little Elsie Otter has a great role model in you!

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