We’re loving how Zooey D. came up with her baby girl’s name

You guys, of course our own Zooey Deschanel was going to come up with a name for her baby that was as inventive as it was adorable. Of course. The only question was WHEN would would everyone, everywhere get to learn what this Name of Awesomeness was?

Question answered. Though Zooey gave birth to her baby girl three months ago, it’s only now that that the world’s getting the scoop on her daughter’s name.

“It’s Elsie,” Zooey told PEOPLE at the premiere of her new movie Rock the Kasbah. And then her husband Jacob Pechenik revealed the second part of their daughter’s name: “Otter.”

Elsie Otter!

“Like the animal,” Zooey explained. And that would be “Sea otter,” as Jacob quickly clarified.

Then, this morning on The Today Show, our girl elaborated on how the couple decided on the name.

“We just really liked the name Elsie and then we both love otters, ” Zooey explained. ” They’re very sweet and they’re also smart. They use tools … they hold hands while they sleep, there’s so many amazing things about otters. They’re wonderful animals.”

OK, this is the sweetest, most awesome explanation of Elsie’s middle name we could ask for.

We love how lovely and personal and original this name is and we look forward to seeing more old-timey-names paired up with Harry Potter Patronus animals in future baby names.

In the meantime, check out Zooey’s Today Show appearance—where she dishes on her new movie, New Girl’s new season and of course, little Elsie (who we already love).

(Image via Fox)


Check out the extended trailer for Rock the Kasbah