This “Zoey 101” actor covered Justin Bieber’s “Love Yourself,” made our hearts explode

Here’s the thing about kid actors who we love from popular TV shows — they eventually grow up and turn into adults who are still incredibly talented and full of pleasant surprises.
The latest pleasant surprise comes from Paul Butcher. He played Dustin Brooks, the shy and super smart little brother of Zoey on Zoey 101. It’s been eight years since we last saw him on the show, and he’s done some growing up.
This was Butcher back in his Zoey 101 days:
And this is him now, all kinds of grown up:
The 22-year-old is still acting, but he’s also been busy turning into a hugely talented musician. He posted this video of himself covering Justin Bieber’s “Love Yourself”, and it’s making our Mondays a little less Monday-ish.
The video was posted back in February, but people are just now catching wind of it thanks to a shout out from William Shatner.
Biebs has yet to respond to the tweet, but we’re hoping he does. And the 280,000 people who have viewed the video on YouTube probably agree!