Weekly horoscopes for October 6 – 12 by Zoe Moon
This week really is about you, Aries. Who you are, what you are trying to reach for and how you define yourself through the lens of your closest relationships. MONDAY will push you to deal with any travel, legal, educational, media, wedding, or expansive needs. TUESDAY will ask that you step up and engage that partner, rep, client, specialist, opponent, or other key player and that you stay true to what you need but be in the moment and ready for anything. WEDNESDAY will bring what’s been building to a major closure or breakthrough. This will again engage that other person and help you reach your summit. Today the travel, educational, legal, media, wedding, or expansive need sends you into action and helps you open something up regarding love, kids, creative ventures, or fun. THURSDAY you have to deal with your need to make money, purchases or deal with possessions. The other person you are talking to is helping you to see past matters involving other financial resources, mortality issues, sex, divorce, or reproductive needs. FRIDAY Mercury Retrogrades back into the relationship zone for you and from now through the 25th you will be revisiting past partners, reps, clients, opponents, specialists, or other key players to review, release or reconnect. SATURDAY this will bring some surprises, excitement or change involving this person and the love, income or woman in the picture. SUNDAY or possibly on Monday (it could happen today or tomorrow), Destiny steps in around you and this person to point you in the direction of your future. Make certain the lines of communication are open.
A lot of what the week has to teach you will play out between you and others over work or health issues. MONDAY pushes you hard when it comes to some third-party situation and the finances, it’s an action day. TUESDAY brings you into the dynamic with that other person over health, work, paperwork, and what’s going on behind the scenes. You may get a surprise regarding artistic, spiritual, romantic, or hospital matters. WEDNESDAY brings the final closure, ending or major achievement regarding the healing, hospital, research, romance, artistic project, behind the scenes maneuvering, or spiritual practice. You may feel intensity around travel, legal, educational, media, or wedding plans but find ways to act on financial matters, sexual interests or divorce proceedings. THURSDAY is about you and one key person, it’s a Mercury Retrograde day so make the talk or decision count, the past is past. FRIDAY Mercury backs into your work, health, paperwork, and pet zone engaging key people over these themes so you may be going back to a past issue or opportunity here. SATURDAY brings more excitement, last-minute changes or surprises into the mix with these themes and people. SUNDAY or possibly Monday, it could come either day, Destiny steps in and something fateful opens up for you on the job, with a co-worker, someone you hire, a health matter, or the animals, that is meant to show you the future in the situation.
This week really is asking for creative energy from you, you can point this towards creative projects or make it about true love, children or having fun. MONDAY Mars will stir the waters with a partner, rep, client, specialist, or opponent, firing up energy and action in your one-on-ones. TUESDAY puts you front and center with that lover, creative project, recreational pursuit, or the kids and shakes things up via your key player here over aspirations or something social. WEDNESDAY brings an important ending, conclusion, achievement, or celebration regarding your aspirations, a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, gathering, or original concept. There are some powerful things going on financially or with your sex life, mortality issues, reproductive needs, or divorce but plenty of protective and expansive energy around agreements or decisions involving that partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key player. THURSDAY brings Mercury Retrograde news about work, health, pets, paperwork, co-workers, or people you hire, so embrace the past to see what the potential holds for you. FRIDAY Mercury Retrogrades back into your love life, kids, creative projects, and fun zone. Now you are revisiting past people, situations, issues, or opportunities here. SATURDAY this will mean socializing in some way to review these past potentials, with a bit of unexpected excitement tossed in for measure. SUNDAY or possibly Monday, it could occur either day, Destiny steps in with this key individual and shows you your future potential when it comes to love, kids, creative projects, or fun. Expect more excitement with friends, groups, online, or around your aspirations today.
This week is an important one when it comes to your home or roots. This may mean what occurs in your house, with real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, a parent, or roommate, so keep your focus here as much as possible. MONDAY will push you hard when it comes to what you need to do at or for work, with health, pets, or paperwork. TUESDAY puts you into the action on the home front, with the real estate, family, parent, roommate, move, or renovation and brings any shake-ups or surprises involving goals, career or authority figures in the mix like the boss, parent or judge. WEDNESDAY is the climax with this authority figure or involving your goals, reputation, career, or leadership. This is about things wrapping up, ending, coming through, or celebrating achievements. A key player is pushing you when it comes to financial matters, sex, divorce, or some controlling interest but you are in a good position today when it comes to what you do about paperwork, the job, health, or pets. THURSDAY is a Mercury Retrograde day bringing up the conversation or decision around the lover, child, creative project, or fun and how you feel about the social matter or aspiration so be open to the past. FRIDAY Mercury Retrogrades back into your home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommate situation so now the past will be showing up here. Time to rethink or revisit things. SATURDAY this again puts you into these subjects but today it’s over love, income or involving a woman and brings up any excitement, changes or surprises over goals, career or with the parent, boss or other authority type. SUNDAY or possibly Monday, it could happen either day, Destiny is going to step in at home, with real estate, family, a parent, roommate, move, or renovation, and show you the future in some way. What goes on behind the scenes or in private is in positive flow.
Your week will either focus a great deal on siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, writing, sales, short trips, and agreements, or it will be about your thoughts and ideas and the decisions you are making. MONDAY is quite active regarding a creative project, child, lover, or recreational interest, pushing you over deep, evolving needs here. TUESDAY puts you directly into your weeks themes of siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, writing, sales, short trips, agreements, ideas, or decisions with another person. They are going to be exciting or surprising when it comes to legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans. WEDNESDAY this climaxes with an ending or achievement so expect major peaks by today with this legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding need. There seems to be something powerfully changing at work or with a health, pet or paperwork situation. You have lots going for you today regarding creativity, fun, kids, or true love. THURSDAY is a Mercury Retrograde day so be open to the past and what comes up at home, with real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. FRIDAY Mercury Retrogrades back into the siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, writing, sales, short trips, and agreements part of your chart so the past is now back around here. SATURDAY this will again put you into something here but today it is involving a woman, the love or income, and the other person again over legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans. SUNDAY or possibly Monday, it could happen either day, Destiny steps in to show you future potential when it comes to the siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, writing, sales, short trips, and agreements. Look for that fated moment to step up and be present.
The week ahead is shining a light on income potential, possessions, purchases, and how you feel valued, focus what you can here. MONDAY brings all kinds of activity in the home or about home, real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates, it’s go time. TUESDAY puts you into that income, possession or purchasing mode and engages another person in some exciting, surprising or changing way over shared resources or outside financial flow, sex, divorce, mortality issues, reproduction, third-party situations, or controlling interests. WEDNESDAY brings things to a head with this financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, birth, or third-party situation. This is when things end or are achieved. It’s intense with kids, lovers, creative projects, or recreational needs today, pretty much based on that income, purchase or possession topic we talked about. But you are in a good position to act on the home front, with family, parents, roommates, or over the real estate deal, move or renovation. THURSDAY is a Mercury Retrograde day so focus on the past and your siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, or decisions will be important. There’s a focus with another person and something about legal, travel, media, educational, or wedding themes in the mix. FRIDAY Mercury Retrogrades back into your income, possessions, purchases, and feeling valued zone so you will be revisiting the past in order to rethink these themes or revise, release or reclaim something. SATURDAY this brings you face to face with someone over these past topics and the woman, love or income situation. They are representing some triangle, powerfully deep connection, financial matter, divorce, or your sexual interests, and there will be a surprise or two here. SUNDAY or possibly Monday, it could happen either day, Destiny steps in and you are shown your future potential when it comes to income, purchases, possessions, or value.
Your body, personal needs, image, brand, name, title, or any other matter that makes this week about you is where it’s at Libra. Do your part to focus as much energy as you can on who you are and what you need. MONDAY will spur you to action and activity that involves neighborhood, short trips, writing, meetings, talks, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, offers, agreements, sales, and decisions. Your feelings are strong about the work, health, pets, or paperwork involved. TUESDAY puts you face to face with someone about what you need, it’s exciting, surprising or about changes in the mix, be in the moment. WEDNESDAY brings a major ending or achievement with a key individual, it may be a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, opponent, or client, as things climax with some wrap up or celebration. This means something powerful and intense regarding home, property, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. It gives you the energy to act with agreements, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, meetings, talks, sales, or decisions for the positive, make it social. THURSDAY is a Mercury Retrograde day so be open to the past and what it is showing you about income, possessions or purchases today. Feelings about another and how things are shared will play a role. FRIDAY Mercury Retrogrades into your sign. Now the energy that is focused on you, your body, image, brand, name, title, and needs will urge you to rethink, revisit, revise, release, or reclaim by taking you on that backwards journey about yourself. SATURDAY this puts you one on one with someone over this Retrograde topic and the love, woman or income. It’s going to be exciting, surprising or about the changes. SUNDAY or possibly Monday, it could happen either day, Destiny steps in showing you something about your future, pay attention. There should be exciting interaction with someone over legal, travel, distance, media, marketing, publishing, weddings, education, or political themes, all good.
Your week ahead is all about the mystery that is unfolding around you, it might be about an artistic venture, spiritual pursuit, romantic connection, healing/hospital situation, research project, or a matter in development, but it is a mystery and it is somehow Karmic in nature so pay attention to what your guides, dreams, signs, and intuition are telling you. MONDAY will spur you to act regarding being valued, your income, possessions, or purchases. This is sparked by needs you have with love, kids, creativity, or fun. TUESDAY puts you into it with someone else over your mystery. This will be exciting, surprising or about changes happening and they will focus on health matters, work, paperwork, people you hire, or animals. WEDNESDAY brings the final closure, ending, achievement, or celebration around that work, health, paperwork, co-worker, hire help, or animal situation. That mystery of yours ties into some intense conversation, message or information that comes to light today. Again you are spurred to act on income, possessions, purchases, or what you need to feel valued, today with potential to reach goals. THURSDAY is a Mercury Retrograde day so be open to communications or choices involving the past and one significant person. FRIDAY Mercury Retrogrades back into that mystery part of your life so you begin to review, release, revise, or reconnect with the past over those artistic, romantic, spiritual, healing, hospital, or research themes. SATURDAY puts you one on one with someone over this and brings up the love, woman or income in the situation. It also shows you any changes, surprises or excitement around the work, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, health, or pets in the situation. SUNDAY or possibly Monday, it could happen on either day, Destiny steps in to show you something about your mystery and the future, pay attention to what shows up.
The week ahead is about your aspirations and all the social energy around you so keep your focus here and with your friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, and any original ideas you have. MONDAY Mars is very active within your own sign so you may have lots of drive, passion, anger, or motivation to do things, mostly stemming from needs at home, with family, moves, renovations, real estate, roommates, or your security needs. TUESDAY puts you into that aspiration or social situation and one-on-one with someone over creative, love, kids, or fun needs. It’s exciting, surprising or about changes last-minute. WEDNESDAY is the climax with the child, lover, creative project, or fun as things wrap up, end, come through, or are celebrated and achieved. You have intense energy around possessions, purchases or income, the female friend or the aspiration you have involving love or money. Again Mars gives you the boost you need to do what it takes and open things up in lucky ways regarding travel, education, legal, media, or wedding plans. THURSDAY is a Mercury Retrograde day so you hear from the past via artistic pursuits, spiritual practices, romantic liaisons, hospital matters, or research. Friday Mercury Retrogrades back into your friends, groups, internet, astrology, charity, gatherings, and aspirations zone. So the past starts coming back around here to rethink, revise, release, or reconnect. SATURDAY will allow you to engage this via someone over the love, woman or income. There will be some excitement, change or surprise here about love, kids, creative projects, or fun. SUNDAY or possibly Monday, it could happen either day, Destiny steps in via this aspiration, friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, gathering, or original idea and shows you something about your future, pay attention to what shows up.
Your week ahead is really gearing up around career, goals, reputation, fame, achievements, higher-ups/authority figures, and ambitions. Do what you can to focus your energy here. MONDAY will give you more drive and activity behind the scenes, so make things happen or respond to actions through research, artistic pursuits, spiritual practices, romantic interludes, healing, hospitals, or development. TUESDAY puts you into that mix over career, goals, leadership, or dealings with authority types like the boss, parent or judge. This activates interaction between you and another over home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations and brings excitement, surprises or changes to the fore. WEDNESDAY is the climax with that home, real estate, family, parent, roommate, move, or renovation theme, when things end or are achieved in some epic way. Personal changes are a big part of the moment as you are evolving in some way regarding the authority figure or your goals and career. You will have potential to take action behind the scenes, on that artistic, romantic, spiritual, hospital, or research need with some good results. THURSDAY is a Mercury Retrograde day so that past comes around through a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, gathering, or your aspirations. You’ll be one-on-one with someone here involving love, kids, creative potential, or fun. FRIDAY Mercury Retrogrades back into your career, goals, reputation, fame, authority figures (boss, parent, judge types), and leadership realm. So it’s time to rethink, revise, revisit, release, or reclaim something here. SATURDAY brings you into contact with someone over these past topics and the love, woman or income in the mix. They will bring excitement, surprise or change around the home, real estate, family, move, renovation, parent, or roommate subject. SUNDAY or possibly Monday, it could happen either day, Destiny will show up to show you something of your future direction with goals, career, reputation, the boss, parent, or other authority figure, or your leadership style. Pay attention to what arrives.
The week ahead is asking that you put your attention on the legal, travel, wedding, educational, media, marketing, religious, or political theme that needs your focus. MONDAY you’ll be diving into something with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, or gathering, it’s about feeling valued, the gift, possessions, income, or purchases. TUESDAY you’ll be stepping into that weeks focus on the legal, travel, educational, wedding, religious, marketing, media, or political matter. Today it involves someone else and the excitement, surprise or changes in the mix. WEDNESDAY brings the climax around the talk, meeting, news, offer, agreement, sales, writing, short trip, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, or decision. It’s epic, it comes through, wraps up, marks an ending, or is about achievements. There’s something powerful going on in secret quarters today. You do have plenty of action energy with the friend, group or online that looks positive. THURSDAY is a Mercury Retrograde day so be open to the past and how your goals, career, reputation, leadership, or dealings with authority types like the boss, parent or judge are in focus. FRIDAY Mercury Retrogrades back into those legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. It’s now time to revisit, rethink, revise, release, or reconnect with past people, situations, issues, or opportunities here. SATURDAY brings this to the fore as you look at love, income or a woman in the mix. You will be engaging someone in talks, meetings or decisions that bring excitement, surprise or change. SUNDAY or possibly Monday, it could happen either day, Destiny steps in to show you something about your future when it comes to the travel, person at a distance, legal matter, educational pursuit, media, marketing or publishing interest, wedding, religious or political agenda, or ideals. Pay attention to what shows up.
Your week ahead is asking you to focus on some powerful topics like sex, divorce, mortality, birth, reproductive needs, all major financial themes, and third-party situations. Do what you can to engage deeply here. MONDAY you will be driven to act or react regarding goals, career or an authority figure like the boss, parent or judge. TUESDAY you will be one-on-one with someone over your weekly themes of sex, mortality, divorce, finances, birth, or third parties. They are about feeling valued, making money, purchases, or possessions and are showing up around excitement, surprises or changes here. WEDNESDAY brings a climax around these themes of value, income, purchases, or possessions as things come through, are achieved, end, or are celebrated. Those intense themes of your week surface regarding a woman and/or involving a friend, group or aspiration and how the love or money flow is working. You have good energy behind pursuing your goals, reaching out to those authority figures or pushing ahead on the career front. THURSDAY is a Mercury Retrograde day so the past is showing up over travel, people at a distance, legal, media, marketing, educational, wedding, religious, political, or publishing topics. Talk to who this is or listen to see if there’s something to review. FRIDAY Mercury Retrogrades back into those sexual, divorce, financial, mortality, reproductive, and third-party situations so it’s about the past coming back around or you rethinking anything in current situations. SATURDAY you’ll be engaged with another person over some of these themes, looking at the love, income or woman in the mix. They will again show up with excitement, surprise or changes and hone in on income, gifts, purchases, possessions, or feeling valued. SUNDAY or possibly Monday, it could happen on either day, Destiny steps in to show you your future potential when it comes to sex, reproduction, divorce, mortality, finances, or third-party situations. Pay attention to what arrives.
Do you want to know more? A private reading with Zoe can unlock your own unique birth chart and what it promises. Email Zoe at [email protected] for costs and details if you’re ready to take the plunge!