Zayn Malik now has GREEN hair, you guys

Colored hair  is all the rage this summer, as it should be. Whether you’re leaning more towards something simple like an ombre effect, or the brightest pink you can find, summertime is made for all these beautiful, bold choices. Zayn Malik appears to be taking full advantage of the latest hair trends, too, as he now has bright green hair.

Yup. Zayn. His beautiful long, sweeping locks are no more, replaced by a short buzzcut, which is now green.

Zayn’s fiancee, Perrie Edwards, uploaded the picture to her Instagram with the perfect caption, #GreenHairDontCare. Zayn looks pretty proud of himself for this new choice, while Pierre appears to be giggling uncontrollably. Guess it’s safe to assume she’s not going to dye her hair to match his. (Also, why is there a skeleton in the right hand corner…?)

There’s a reason behind this new ‘do, and it’s a good one. Zayn’s trying to raise environmental awareness for World Environment Day which was yesterday, June 5. We might have missed the day, but Zayn and his green hair are doing a pretty good job reminding us about it now! It’s never too late to get involved, and maybe Zayn’s hair will inspire a few new trees over the next week.

Or, it’ll just make us think of Jared Leto and his green-haired Joker. Or any one of a hundred other green things, like broccoli and Chia Pets. Also tell me I’m not the only one who wants Zayn to grow his hair back out again, and then dye it green?  We could have an amazing green man-bun on our hands, people.

(Images via here and here.)