Zac Efron has the wildest story about Madonna, and we can’t quite believe it

It’s a pairing that we’d NEVER have thought could happen, but Zac Efron has the wildest Madonna story, and we can’t quite believe it.

Efron made a pit stop on the promo tour of his new movie Baywatch to chat with Jimmy Kimmel on his late night talk show, where he was quizzed about what happened when he was sat next to the pop music icon during a U.F.C. fight at Madison Square Garden last November.

From snaps of the night, it seemed that the pair were getting on famously, and Kimmel was keen to figure out what the former High School Musical star and the Queen of Pop had been up to…

First, Efron was quizzed at how the pair actually even ended up sitting together.

“In the coolest way possible, I showed up at this fight. It was totally last minute,” Efron said. “The seats are all named when you get to the center of the ring, and I was ring side, so I was very close to this fight. I kept getting closer, and I knew I was in the front row. I saw several ‘famous’ people, and then Madonna and Zac Efron. Then it just ended. I was like, ‘I’m next to Madonna for this entire fight?’ It was awesome.” 

The actor went on to say that he chatted with pop legend and they hung out. In fact, Madonna was allegedly pretty into the fight, with Efron saying that “she was having the time of her life out there.”

Of course, this being Jimmy Kimmel, things didn’t stay above board for long, and the host was soon asking Efron if it was possible that Madonna was actually coming on to him.

“Is it possible that Madonna maybe switched the sign so that maybe you would be seated together?” Kimmel asked. “Madonna is an irresistible person. When she sets her sights on someone, there’s no escaping.”

Going visibly red, Efron was rather coy about his answers…

"She is captivating in that way. [But] I can’t confirm or deny that, he said.

Efron joked that he and Madonna got a bit handsy with each other thanks to the excitement with the fight. In fact, Kimmel even shared some video footage of the singer tapping the actor.

When asked point-blank whether something had happened between Madonna and himself, the actor gave an embarrassed laugh, before jokingly referring to the previous clip. “I guess you could say she tapped that,” he said.

Watch the clip below.

Tbh, while we totally get that Zac Efron is just joking, we love the idea of these two hitting it off at a fight of all places. What’s more, we’re totally envious of Efron for having an actual story to tell about meeting Madonna. It’s actually the stuff of dreams, regardless of whether the pair truly hit it off…

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