You’re going to have “Let It All In” by Elizabeth Hunter on loop for the remainder of the month

We’re always in the mood for new tunes. And when we heard “Let It All In” by Elizabeth Hunter, we knew we found ourselves a winner.
Singer and bassist Elizabeth Hunter hails from New York, and already has shows booked in the United Kingdom next month. With a light Amy Winehouse-esque quality about her, she’s already recorded her own self-titled EP, and was a contestant on the first season of Fox 5’s “New York Star of the Day“, which showcases incredible musical talent. At age 25, that’s a lot to be proud of.
Even better, she has a sense of humor. When asked by Fox about her greatest accomplishment, Hunter’s response definitely stood out.
"My favorite beer just followed me on Twitter," she joked.
(For the record, she considers her greatest accomplishment to be her ability to connect with fans after the show.)
That said, you’re going to love this music video of Hunter’s “Let It All In”:
Her vocals are both strong and dreamy, and the song will be stuck in your head all day. We have a feeling we’ll probably be humming this tune for the rest of the year, but definitely until November hits.
You can find more of Hunter’s music on iTunes and Spotify. You can also check out her YouTube channel for extra fun uploads!