Move aside Ben Wyatt, this is the real youngest mayor in America — and he’s pretty much nailing the job

For a while now, Ben Wyatt has held the spot in our hearts as most favorite youngest mayor (even with that whole Ice Town debacle). But now, it looks like we’re going to have to cut our hearts in half, one side for our favorite fictional mayor, the other side for our favorite IRL youngest mayor. Move over, Wyatt, because there’s a brand new tiny government official in town, and he’s adorable.

Meet James Tufts, Dorset, Minnesota’s youngest mayor ever. James clocks in at 3 years old, but he is already wise beyond his years. His campaign platform is the stuff dreams are made of, seeing as he insists on “Being nice and no poopy talk.” Someone let him join in on the next national debate.

James snagged this spot the old fashioned way, by having his name drawn out of a hat. The town of Dorset – which is home to only about 22 residents — holds an annual food festival where they select a ceremonial mayor for the year. This mayor business is staying all it the family for James, since his older brother, Robert, served two terms as mayor before him. A family of tiny little political officials? WE’LL TAKE IT.

Even though the spot as mayor is strictly for show (and adorable feels), James is going to use his time in the spotlight doing good. Robert spent his two terms raising money for Salvation Army and the Ronald McDonald House; James is going to spend his time as mayor raising funds for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

If you need to put a big smile on your face, CBS Minnesota has a video of him hitting the campaign trail with his brother. Is it too early to put James on the 2016 presidential election ticket? Feel like this kid is going to go on to BIG THINGS.

(Image via CBS Minnesota.)