Attention young poets — you need to enter this contest

The next great poet might be reading this post right now, and if that’s you, you better get your butt over to The Poetry Society for the 2015 Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award and enter your best work for a chance to be published in the winners anthology, attend the Arvon centre’s creative writing course, one year’s Youth Membership of the Poetry Society, as well as book prizes, and publication, performance and internship opportunities. How could it get any better than that?

The rules are simple. Anyone in the world between the ages of 11-17 can enter up to around six English poems (although less is more, they say. They’d rather receive one or two polished pieces than a whole bunch of hasty work).

Keep in mind that they do not accept submissions through email. Your best bet is going through the  — but make sure to send copies! They can’t respond to every submission, and your poems won’t be returned to you. Once received, they pick 100 winners, with the top 15 receiving the benefits of publication and the workshop. Winners will be announced on the website on October 2nd.

The deadline is July 31, 2015. That means you Gigglers have a whole month to write what I’m sure is going to be some pretty amazing stuff. Even if you don’t win, you’ve had the chance to express yourself and create. There’s no better reward than being proud of your work, so no matter what happens, put that pen to paper and make some poetic magic!

(Image via)