You CANNOT vote by text — and the reason why people think they can is actually really depressing

The latest move from Trump supporters will probably not come as a surprise to anyone, but that doesn’t make it any less deplorable or disturbing. Contrary to memes posted by Trump trolls, you cannot vote by text — so ignore the people on the internet saying you can, and be sure to share this message with friends and family.

In an effort to prevent people from legitimately voting for Hillary Clinton, desperate Trump supporters have taken to Twitter to spread misinformation about how to cast your ballot. So, Trump's persistent complaints that this election is rigged may actually have some merit — because the Republican candidate and his supporters are doing everything in their power to disenfranchise Clinton voters.


The tweets follow on the heels of a Trump supporter’s arrest for voting twice last week and Trump advising his Colorado supporters to vote twice — once by mail and once in person. So, yes, voter fraud is alive and well. (And, yes, the painful irony is too much to bear.)

Twitter user @mcnees brought the issue to the attention of Twitter's support team, but he was initially told that the posts weren't a violation of the site's terms of service. However, the account that posted the meme has now been suspended and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey posted a response to the issue.

Technology is absolutely useful when it comes to obtaining information and details about how to vote in your state. And Twitter itself offers a helpful option — users who send a direct message to @Gov can obtain correct information about their polling location and absentee voting instructions, as well as detailed information about the candidates and initiatives on their ballots.

However there is no virtual platform for voting in any state — period. Ballots can be cast by mail or in person (some states offer both options), but any social media post urging you to vote for Hillary Clinton by text, online, or via any other virtual platform is a scam.

In a historically vicious election cycle, this is merely the latest example of Trump supporters following his lead and attempting to suppress Clinton voters. So, let’s rally together and send a strong message to Trump that voter fraud will not be tolerated and he won’t be our next president — regardless of the reprehensible (and, in some cases, illegal) tactics used by his supporters.