How exactly does yoga improve your sex life? We asked an expert

Besides the obvious fact that practicing yoga regularly can increase your flexibility and give you ~ideas~ for creative new positions, yoga can truly improve your sex life by reconnecting you to your body and helping you to process your emotions.

To learn more about the connection between yoga and sex, we spoke to Erika Straub, creator of Provocative Power Yoga in Los Angeles. It’s a new class, set in a dimly lit studio to sensual, contemporary music, and it’s designed for women and men (though Straub may soon begin offering women-only classes) that strives to offer a judgment- and stress-free environment where students can get deep into their feelings — and their hip flexors.

Straub explains to HelloGiggles that after traveling to India on an Eat, Pray, Love-style trip during a tumultuous relationship, she was inspired to merge sexuality and sensuality with her yoga practice. She noticed that abstinence was a huge part of the yogic lifestyle in India, but when she returned to the U.S. to complete her Masters in Psychology (focusing on sexual trauma) she realized that yoga could provide true healing for survivors of sexual abuse, and also help others to reconnect with their own innate sexuality.

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