Wrapping Paper Transformed Into Bangles
This is a recipe for embellishing bangles, and maybe one for a stellar afternoon in the process. For this DIY project, I tried my hand at wrapping bangles. You start with a wooden bangle. I got mine at Banglewood Crafts online, though I’m sure they are at most craft stores, just call ahead. With whatever bangle you choose, you are looking for a smooth surface – it makes it easier to wrap around the paper bits. After you have you bangles, get out the trusty Mod Podge! This is what will seal the bangles and makes them shine. It took me about 45 minutes to wrap four bangles, then you just let them dry for an hour or so. Just an idea: use your newly crafted, dry bangle as a hair accessory. Make a bun on top of your head (leave the bun malleable), then push bun through bangle and secure with bobby pins.
What you need:
- Wrapping paper
- Mod Podge
- Wooden bangle
- Scissors
- Paint brush
- wax paper
Step 1:
Cut paper into small strips.
Put about a 1″ curve on the cutting pattern – it’s easier to wrap the paper around the bangle.
Step 2:
Coat paintbrush in Mod Podge.
Paint the wooden bangle, then the paper, and roll paper around the bangle
The paper should easily bend around the bangle.
Step 3:
Once the bangle is completely wrapped, lay to dry on wax paper.
Let Dry.