What I learned working at a wedding blog

Many little girls dream about their wedding day, from the flowers and guests to the gorgeous gown, and I was no different. Granted, I dreamed of red combat boots, Gwen Stefani pink hair and a tie-dye dress (can you tell I was a child of the ‘90s?) and my reality was even better: British charm, whimsical details and a TLC dance party. Working at my dream wedding blog, I’ve immersed myself in a unique girls’ club, diving into nuptial traditions and styles from all walks of life.

Celebrating love every day is such a beautiful thing. I feel so lucky that I get to come into work every day and read about the most stunning wedding and adorable love stories. I believe that life is characterized by what (and who!) you choose to surround yourself with, and I am doing just fine in this sea of peonies, diamonds and I Do’s.

Make your wedding for you, not what you think other people will want

When I first started planning my wedding, I was obsessed with making it the most glamorous, insane party any of my friends had ever been to. I went Pin-crazy with old Hollywood hair and makeup inspiration, frenzied over cake toppers (sentimental but not too cutesy) and the guest list. My boss and coworkers were so amazing with reeling me in and reminding me that the wedding day is all about you and your partner and nobody or nothing else. Nobody remembers the place card fonts or the cake. They remember the love they celebrated with you. Sure, you can make some concessions to guests to make them welcome, but don’t worry about what they will want as much as what you want.

Bouquets can work as every day flower arrangements

Every now and then, I used to buy myself flowers to spruce up my desk at previous jobs. At the wedding blog, this takes on a much-welcomed extreme. Our editors make their work spaces feel like you are stepping into an ELLE Décor spread for home offices and flowers are ordered on the reg.

Being girly is the best

Today, there can be pressure to “act cool” (whatever the F that means) or that feminism means neutralizing your womanhood or rejecting traditional definitions of “girly.” This team of fierce ladies proves that it’s more than possible to beat the boys at the tech game, and do so in a statement necklace or bold lip. “Girliness” is not a crime. In fact, it rules.

(Image via Universal Pictures)

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