Someone broke down how many words Eleven says in “Stranger Things” and it’s impressive

One of our favorite ~things~ about Stranger Things is the cast – and very specifically, the amazingness that is Eleven. Let’s just all agree right here, right now, that she is the baddest mother effing character to grace the small screen in a long time (although, Arya Stark certainly gives her a run for her money).

I mean…


It’s amazing to see how much of an impact Eleven, played masterfully by Millie Bobby Brown, has made on fans. Though, really, it’s not a huge surprise, seeing as Eleven is central to the entire Stranger Things story (so far) – and we can’t imagine living in the world of Hawkins, Indiana or the Upside Down without her.

However, as any true fan will recall, Eleven is this total “strong, but silent” type and you may have even noticed that she tends to use A LOT more action than words. Well, that’s because she doesn’t actually have a ton of dialogue.

According to Reddit user ValdemarSt, Eleven only says a total of…

246 words.


And that’s for the ENTIRE season! That’s a little more than 30 words per episode and less than this entire article. IMPRESSIVE. Most impressive.

ValdemarSt even went a step further by creating a pie chart showing the percentage of words Eleven says per episode:

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They also broke down all the different words and sentences Eleven said in each episode, which you can see here (the list is pretty long). Unsurprisingly, there are a lot of repeats like: “No!”, “Papa!”, and “Mike” (awwwwwww).

And her ~longest phrase~? Only seven words.


It’s really impressive to see how HUGE a presence Eleven was on the show with so few words. Now about her return for Season 2… lookin’ at you Duffer brothers.

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