Dylan Farrow had the perfect response to Woody Allen’s “#MeToo Poster Boy” comment

In the wake of the #MeToo movement, Woody Allen, who was accused of molesting his adopted daughter Dylan Farrow, has finally faced strong public backlash for those allegations. Stars like Greta Gerwig, Ellen Page, and Timothée Chalamet have said they regret working with the director and refuse to work with him again. And Allen has once again denied the allegations against him, saying that he should be “the poster boy for the #MeToo movement.”


In an interview with the Argentinian news show Periodismo Para Todos, which aired on June 3rd, Allen dismissed Farrow’s accusations against him, reiterating that they had already been investigated and disproved (it’s worth noting that Allen was denied custody of the Farrow children in a 1993 hearing because of the allegations, and that a lead attorney on the case has since come forward and said he believes there was enough evidence to convict, but they didn’t want to put Dylan through a traumatic trial).

Allen also said he felt the #MeToo movement was a good thing and that he wanted to see harassers and assailants brought to justice.

"What bothers me is that I get linked in with them," Allen said in the interview. "People who have been accused by 20 women, 50 women, 100 women of abuse and abuse and abuse. And I, who was only accused by one woman in a child custody case, which was looked at and proven to be untrue, I get lumped in with these people."

He went on to assert that he should even be considered a role model within the movement.

"But you know I, I should be the poster boy for the #MeToo movement because I have worked in movies for 50 years," he said. "I've worked with hundreds of actresses and not a single one — big ones, famous ones, ones starting out — have ever, ever suggested any kind of impropriety at all. I've always had a wonderful record with them."

(Vanity Fair reported in 2015 that Mariel Hemingway, star of Allen’s movie Manhattan, claimed the director made unwanted advances toward her when she was just 18.)

Dylan Farrow responded to Allen’s comments with the following June 5th tweet:

Allen’s words are an insult to both the #MeToo movement and to survivors of sexual misconduct everywhere. The movement was founded to protect women like Farrow and to hold men like Allen accountable. Furthermore, men who don’t harass women shouldn’t be applauded, or considered “poster boys” for anything, since they’re literally just exhibiting basic human decency.

While Allen’s words are beyond frustrating, we choose to channel our anger into continued action. As always, we stand with all victims of sexual harassment and abuse and look forward to making this behavior a thing of the past.

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