The new “Wonder Woman” trailer is here, and she is *so* ridiculously kickass

Next year, we’re going to get the FIRST female-driven (and starring) superhero movie, and so far, everything about Wonder Woman looks absolutely perfect. The full-length trailer for the film just debuted at San Diego Comic-Con, and it is probably the best thing you’re going to see all day. Actually, you know what, it IS the best thing you’re going to see all day. Maybe all week.
It also gives us our first real look at what Diana Prince — played once again by Gal Gadot — is going to be like on her own, without Batman and Superman in her shadow (because come on, she steals the show in Batman v Superman). She is strong, fierce, and at one point is hiding a giant sword in her ballgown. What the what.
That’t not all. Wonder Woman also rides, on horseback, while wielding another giant sword.
She uses the Lasso of Truth!!
And proves she is basically invincible.
Bonus: Robyn Wright (who plays Wonder Woman’s aunt, General Antiope) rides around on horseback, in full battle armor, and omg, how soon is too soon to start dressing up exactly like this?
Chris Pine is in the movie, too, and gets plenty of face time in the trailer, but come on. THIS IS ALL ABOUT THE LADIES.
Check out the amazingly epic trailer below, and June 2nd, 2017 can’t get here soon enough.