We have news about the “Wonder Woman” sequel

Details about superhero films before they’re released are always rather sparse. It’s probably for the best, but nobody has Marvel or DC’s talent for keeping plot details under lock despite our constant probing for information. So it’s always exciting when we learn…something. At the top of our wish list of things we need details for? Obviously, the Wonder Woman sequel. And although the details are still spare, Patty Jenkins is here to save us (as ever.)

Though the Wonder Woman director didn’t offer any specifics per se, she did give us more confidence that it’s going to be as awesome as we know it can be. In a recent interview with ET Online, Jenkins said,

"The most exciting thing about [the sequel] is literally seeing her loose in the world now, living those classic stories. Here’s Wonder Woman, and what can she do? It should be a totally different movie, but a grand and now full-blown Wonder Woman in the world.

We know, we know, it doesn’t seem like a lot. But it’s something! And we already know three very important things. (1) Patty Jenkins is on board to direct. (2) Chris Pine will (likely) return. (3) It’s going to take place in the ’80s. (Chris Pine and Gal Gadot dressing for the ’80s? #BLESSED.)

This is one of the first times Jenkins has opened up about her plans for the movie at all, so we can only hope that now that the floodgates have opened, info keeps on coming. And even if it doesn’t, we totally trust Diana Prince’s life in Patty Jenkins’ hands.