9 inspiring women who fought back against body shaming

We love it when a woman takes a stand for the most important of reasons: her right to feel comfortable in her own skin. All over the world, women are declaring that they won’t be held to society’s expectations for how they look, how much they weigh, or how they dress, and they’re using social media to spread the message far and wide.
These are some of many ladies who fought back against body shaming online and inspired us in oh-so-many ways:
Sara Petty
Sara Petty was tired of running into comments on Twitter that dictated what people of a certain weight should or shouldn’t wear, such as bikinis or leggings. As the blog Runway Riot explains, these kind of fashion “don’ts” are unwarranted and harmful, and Sara knows it. So she made a collage of herself breaking all these “rules” to prove just how ridiculous they are. The images of Sara posing next to these negative tweets are awesome — not just because she looks great, but also because she’s proudly comfortable in her body exactly the way it is.
Cassey Ho
You may know Cassey Ho from her awesome YouTube channel, Blogilates. The trainer and YouTuber makes working out and getting in shape so much fun, but being on the Internet means she’s had her fair share of negative comments, about her body. In response, she made this incredibly touching video all about her body image, and what we see when we look in our mirrors.
Lindsey Swift
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