This woman’s viral account of helping an epileptic stranger on the subway will change the way you think about disability

It’s not every day we hear stories about people helping strangers—especially when they involve subway rides at the end of a long day. But one woman’s Twitter thread about helping a young woman suffering from a seizure is now going viral, and it makes a critical point about living with disabilities and chronic health issues.

In a series of tweets, a Canadian writer named Erynn Brook shared an account of a recent 10 p.m. subway ride on a seemingly typical weekday. During the ride, she was approached by a young woman who told her she was on the brink of an epileptic episode. The stranger provided Brook with a laminated “seizure plan,” which explained in detail what was about to happen.

"Can you sit with me until your stop?" the girl asked.

Read the entire account below:

Brook went on to share some of her personal thoughts about the incident.

There’s a lot to unpack here. First, how so many of us take our health for granted. How resources for so many people living with chronic health conditions are limited at best. And—just as importantly—how big a difference a seemingly small act of kindness can make in someone else’s life. Thanks for sharing, Erynn. You can read the full thread here.

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