This woman’s birthday gift to her BFFs will make you cry

There are friend goals and then there are friend GOALS. You know, the friends who go out of the way to show how much they value, respect, and care about you? It’s not even that they’re always buying you things, but more about the fact that they take the time out of their day to show you how much you’re appreciated. Heidi Paat is one of those friends, giving her two BFFs some very unique bears from Build-a-Bear Workshop. Two of Paat’s friends had each lost a parent, so she knew she had to do something special for their birthdays.
The solution? Getting bears with recordings of their parents’ voices.
As documented on we are mitú, Vanessa Mendoza, who lost her father to a stroke in 2016, and Norma Bates, who lost her mother to cancer in 2015, both have a new way to hold their memories close. Vanessa’s bear has her fathers voice that Paat pulled from a Facebook video that says, “Estás chula amor… Estás chula madre…” (which translates to “you’re so cute my love, you’re so cute mami.”) Bates’s bear is of her mother singing her “Happy Birthday.”
I misss you, I love you! Always and forever daddy! 1year closer to seeing you again💛
— Vanessa (@nesssaam) March 24, 2017
We love that Paat took the time to really think about good birthday gifts for her friends, who celebrated birthdays in January and February. Although she was a little bit late, since she was in college up north, we don’t hold anything against her. It’s the thought that counts — and there was plenty of thought in this. We love this heartwarming video, and we love what it represents even more.