Woman uses makeup to transform herself into iconic works of art, and it’s insane

We’ve always believed that makeup is an art form and now makeup artist Lexie Lazear is proving us right. How so, you ask? By transforming her face into literal works of art.

I love art, so I started with pieces that have always spoken to me, and plan to keep going until I’m struck by a new inspiration,” Lexie told BuzzFeed. It all started when the artist was mesmerized by the water reflections in Van Gogh’s Starry Night Over the Rhone. Lexie added that this was initially supposed to be a one-time thing, but her followers, friends, and family encouraged her to keep going. Now, she’s (thankfully) making it into a series.

Rather than completely copying the painting, Lexie prefers to make her look more wearable. This also allows her to play around with her cosmetics as she aims to make each work of art her own. The artist explained, “I think my favorite part is…deciding what will go where, and how to make it not just a copy of the painting on my face, but instead make the painting as fantasy makeup.” Lexie mainly strives to combine the paintings’ visuals with traditional beauty techniques.

I think that makeup is an art,” asserted Lexie, who’s been a makeup artist for 18 years. “It has this unique duality in that it’s also functional, and a huge amount of people use it daily as part of their own style and/or to help them feel confident.

She concluded, “Art is expression. And we’re all unique, looking for ways to express that.

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