This extraordinary woman created the #EgoChallenge to help us embrace our flaws

It’s very safe to say that everyone has flaws of some sort. Although the term “flaw” has a negative connotation, the flaws that we all have are what make each of us unique and beautiful. 19-year-old Jane Oranika from Montgomery, Alabama knows this and is doing something to bolster positive vibes during the current political uneasiness.

Oranika tweeted out a video of herself rapping about her own flaws to the tune of Beyoncé’s “Ego.” She hashtagged the video #EgoChallenge and asked for others to join in. Oranika wrote, “we all have flaws and it’s better to brag about them to be insecure.”

Oh, absolutely. Let’s get this thing trending.

BuzzFeedNews reached out to Oranika to ask her about her motives behind creating the #EgoChallenge.

Oranika said, "There's a lot of fear and negativity in the media currently. As a society, we have a lot going on. I tried to pick the flaws that I get the most comments on…people tend to focus on my physical appearance more than my words, so I wanted to address it.

She wants to teach people the value of self-love. Oranika told BuzzFeed News, “If we vocalize and normalize our differences, we can get past them and grow together.” So far, Oranika’s movement is gaining traction and creating waves.

"Seventh grade I had a beard, they used to tease me boo-hoo. But now I know they mad they couldn't grow one too."


"I've been asked a lot, "are you a girl or a dude?" That's a lot of damn people trying to see me nude!"

"I'm never cocky, just a little overconfident."

"Imma talk about my hairline, G. It's missing. I must have left that in 2016."


Can’t rap? Please feel free to sing your damn hearts out!

"We're tired of these people every time they come around, always saying things to try to bring us down."

"One minute I'm too fat and when I lose it I'm too skinny."

More and more #EgoChallenge videos are being uploaded by the minute, so don’t miss your chance to hop on this train. Jane Oranika, you started something great. We thank you and we cannot wait to see more positivity streaming through the Interweb!

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