This woman asked for help photoshopping the shirtless dude from an engagement photo, and this is what she got instead
Be careful what you ask for, especially when you’re soliciting the photo editing expertise of the internet. As Bored Panda reports, this woman asked for help photoshopping a shirtless photobomber from the engagement photo of her friend, and the wonderful citizens of cyberspace gave her everything she didn’t know she needed.
Seriously, where’s the dad who photoshops his daughter into extremely dangerous situations when you need him? We’re sure he could’ve nixed shirtless dude right out of the pic, but it’s not that simple when you involve the internet.
Out of all the hilarious photoshopping stunts (hai, Shiba Inu) we’ve seen to date, let this one be a cautionary tale to all: If you want a photo edited, don’t ask strangers online to help you out.
The good thing is that people took this photoshopping challenge as a serious opportunity show off their picture manipulation skills (which are no less stellar than we expected), but several ridiculous variations of the shirtless photobomber guy live on.
**Must click through the gallery for maximum lols.**
ROTFL. To some of these people’s credit, they did follow instructions. Technically speaking, the folks who replaced the chest-bearing stranger with Barney, Michael Bolton, Benedict Cumberbatch, a T-Rex duo, and Mr. Bean did precisely what was asked of them.
According to the original post, the engaged woman planned to “keep the photo forever,” but maybe replacing it with some of these revised shots will make for a more hilarious reminder of the time a seemingly innocent, special moment shared with the world instantly became meme-worthy.