What I wish I knew when I was in college
I graduated from college three years ago. That might sound like no time at all, but I have to tell you, in those years, I’ve learned a lot. Lately I’ve been preoccupied with the idea of what it would have been to have an older sister. I think about all the advice I could’ve gotten from someone older than me. I don’t have that, but I still can pass on some advice to my younger sister. And what I most want to tell her are the things I wish I could tell myself while I was in college.
Don’t rush your college years
I wish I knew that college is a thing that’s pretty precious. I wish I knew that back when I was in my senior year and I was taking 15 credit hours a semester to graduate as soon as possible. I was in such a rush to have the perfect job, my own chic apartment and be independent. But I regret it. I wish I had taken that second minor, or swapped my major. I wish I had know that even after you graduate, it’ll take a lot of time to get that dream job and apartment. And that the idea of what’s right for you can change after college, too, and that’s totally OK.
Your first city might not be the right one for you
I moved to a different city right after college, and of course I thought it was a great idea. And it was, for a while, until I realized that I’m more of a hometown gal than a city lady. It’s OK to try new things. And it’s also OK if those new things don’t work out as much as you planned. Sometimes you just have to follow your heart.
You have to sleep
Staying in that Friday night when your BFF is texting to go out you but you feel more like watching a movie in bed? That’s a good idea. You will need those 7-8 hours of sleep per night when you get that full-time job. Take care of yourself.
Multiple credit cards equal debt
Those Jessica Simpson heels can wait. Yes, they can. Save money, don’t spend it all. Use your credit cards wisely. Save money!
Oil changes and tires do matter
Keep a tire pressure gauge in your car. You will need it more than once, and listen to the beeping sound of the oil change light in your car. They can become your best friends when you are road tripping.
Movies are just…movies
Seriously, you are not Rachel McAdams and you’re doomed because you haven’t met your own Ryan Gosling. You will not have everything figured out after college. You will learn that movies are just fiction; and even though they are a great way to distract yourself from everyday life, sadly, real life is not that easy. You will learn that every struggle, every tear and every happy moment has a valuable meaning and even at 26, you will still learn something every day.
Alejandra Lopez is a hopeless romantic living in Texas. She has a degree in Organizational and Corporate Communication and Public Relations from the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). She’s a music junkie, social media and advertisement lover. She collects coffee mugs and Rom-Com movies. She loves popcorn and all chocolate things.
[Image via Universal Pictures]