Here’s how you can witness “false dawn” in the sky this month

As the earth gets ready to officially enter spring on March 20th, many of us are ready to get our celestial groove on. Whether that’s through celebrating the equinox or catching a glimpse of  “False Dawn,” it seems like the cosmos are begging us to pay attention!

According to National Geographic, there are some major events happening this month — including seeing Mars and witnessing the “zodiacal lights,” which are also known as the “false dawn.” National Geographic says,

"Also sometimes called a false dawn, this ethereal light show is caused by sunlight reflecting off countless dust particles scattered between the planets along the plane of the solar system. Far away from city lights, look for a pyramid-shaped glow—fainter than the Milky Way—rising above the western horizon about an hour after sunset."

The key to finding the lights are to make sure you’re somewhere with as little light pollution as possible. For us Northern Hemisphere people, to see this natural occurrence in the springtime, make sure you’re looking for it in the evening after sunset. The lights will be brightest around the time of the equinox. Apparently, the lights are caused by sunlight reflecting off grains of dust that are thought to be left over from when our solar system was created 4.5 billion years ago, says EarthySky.

Mark your calendars, and don’t forget to check it out!