Winnie Harlow just took an awesome stance on all those prom dress-code rules

Prom season is around the corner, and Winnie Harlow is weighing in with an important prom rated message.

Prom season means promposals up the wazoo! Teens stampeding the malls in search of formal wear! You won’t be able to book a weekend blowout for, like, two months, because TEENS! HAIR! PROM!

In all seriousness, most of the hubbub surrounding prom is the cutest. And sweetest. And gives us ALL the nostalgia vibes. What is decidedly NOT cute is all the girls every year who get turned away from their formal dances for “dress code violations” which are, frankly, usually blatantly sexist.

In a super-cool move, Winnie Harlow took an awesome stance on the prom dress code issue

In a recent interview with Cosmopolitan, the supermodel was asked:

"What do you think about all the girls who are being turned away from their high school proms for wearing a high slit, showing ankle, or just opting for a lower neckline?  

To which Winnie Harlow gave this pitch-perfect reply:

"Some rules are there for a reason — but it's one thing to have a rule that protects and another to have rules that stifle. I've seen a lot of those articles and I thought they were unreasonable when I was in school, but they're getting a little bit out of hand now. We should embrace what makes us different, our different styles, our creativity. You should wear whatever seems true to you. If that means wearing a tux, if that means wearing a short dress, a floor-length dress, or whatever the case is — do what feels right to you. Try not to get in trouble though!"

We applaud Harlow for her super-pragmatic response. She pushes back against “stifling” and “unreasonable” dress codes. And is a champion for kids getting to express themselves with their prom clothes.

That “try not to get in trouble” advice is worth listening to. Students shouldn’t stand for unfair dress codes. But we also want kids to be able to actually GO to their proms. It’s tricky navigating prom dress codes. But we’d hate to see any would-be promgoer miss out on a memorable night because their school refuses to budge on the dress slit issue.

Ultimately, kids have to decide what’s right for themselves on this big night.

And we’re glad Winnie Harlow supports kids expressing themselves AND kids who figure out a way to comply with code. We just want what’s best for the kids!