Why You Should Give Your Breasts a Squeeze
You’re probably wondering what’s up with this spring-to-summer transitional weather. Can mother nature get it together already? As if having to forecast and report on these bipolar temps wasn’t difficult enough, one local weather woman is surely feeling the heat at work. Perhaps it’s time to add her to Public Meltdown Watch 2013.
Hopefully, you’re keeping your cool as we approach mid-June, because another heat wave is bound to hit when you least expect it. So, enjoy this gentle summer breeze otherwise known as another edition of “The Week In WHAT?!”
You’ve Got the Magic Touch
Scientists may be on the road to finding a simple yet effective way for women to fight against breast cancer. All it takes is a gentle, self-love filled squeeze! Recent experiments reveal that regularly applying pressure to breast tissue can help potentially malignant cells return to a “normal” growth pattern. Before getting too handsy with your mammaries, keep in mind that more information is necessary to help researchers better understand exactly how to incorporate their latest findings into an actual treatment plan. In the meantime, it can’t hurt to get more acquainted with your bosom buddies. Self exams often lead to early detection of breast related problems.
Calling All Motherlovers
Speaking of breasts, there’s a new candy on the market hoping to cash-in on your mom’s milk. Seriously. Lollyphile, a gourmet candy brand known for outside-of-the-box confections, unveiled a breast-milk-flavored lollipop earlier this week. As per the company’s website, the founders were intrigued as they watched crying babies quickly calm down while suckling at their mothers’ breasts. “Surely the flavor must be heavenly, yes?”, they pondered. If you’re interested in reliving the good ol’ days, or just looking for a chance to make up for never being breastfed in your early years, these lollies will set you back $10 for a 4-pack. Bonus points: they’re vegan.
Planet of the Ape-like Humans?
Score one for evolution? A new study suggests that one in thirteen people have flexible feet like those of apes. After reviewing data mined from 398 Boston Museum of Science visitors (aka test subjects) who walked over a mechanized carpet, Dr. Jason DeSilva and his colleague noted the similarities. The key to the comparison is how the foot folds during each step. Wondering if you’re a member of the 7.7% of humans with ape-like hoofs? DeSilva suggests setting up a video camera to observe the motion of your feet as you walk or checking out your footprints on a beach. Step to it!
Statue Deceives Tourists Into Thinking It’s a “Statue”
In recent years, there’s been an increase in the number of street performers posing as “human statues” throughout New York and other large cities. Most of the time, people can spot minimal movement (breathing or otherwise) to confirm whether it’s a “statue” or a statue. Of course, performers often stand nearby bowls or buckets seeking tips – a dead giveaway. That is, until now. Artist Jeff Greenspan flipped the concept on its head by placing a tip jar next to an actual statue, tricking people into thinking it was merely a person in disguise. The response? A huge crowd assembled in front of an otherwise ignored piece of art, with some passersby leaving the non-existent performer money. Check it out:
And there you have this week in “WHAT?!” Can’t wait to see what’s in store for humanity next!
Image via Squeeze Your Lemons.