How did model Katie May die? A routine trip to her chiropractor may be part of the answer.

“Queen of Snapchat” (and former Playboy model), Katie May, passed away in February from a stroke. Yes, it was unexpected and yes, there were a ton of unanswered questions surrounding her untimely death. But recently, new information surfaced regarding May’s death certificate — what it reveals is nothing less than horrifying.
According to TMZ (who obtained the death certificate), the stroke was caused by blunt force injury. This caused the left vertebral artery in her neck to tear, cutting off blood supply to the brain. In other words, she had a stroke because of the chiropractor’s physical manipulation to her neck. If you’re in shock like we are, Dr. Darria Long Gillespie, an E.R. doctor and senior vice president of clinical strategy at Sharecare, say yes—it’s very possible.
"Studies have shown that high velocity/high force manipulation of the neck can be associated with injuries/tears to the blood vessels in your neck, particularly in people under 45. Those vessels are crucial for blood flow to the brain, and damage to them leads to a stroke."
In looking to May’s Tweets from January, it appears as though she’d pinched a nerve in her neck at a photo shoot. While she only survived a few days on life support after the stroke, the death was labeled “accidental.” This definitely sheds new light on the family’s options. Legal-wise though, they’ve said they aren’t sure what they will do with the information at this time.
If you’re an avid chiropractic patient, don’t let the news stop you from visiting the chiropractor, though. In a study published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice, there have been only 26 deaths via this route recorded—ever. Anyone can suffer complications such as herniated disks and nerve compression, but it’s not the norm. If you’re one of those at an increased risk for stroke, the Mayo clinic suggests avoiding places like the chiropractor—just in case. Though, if you’re still all for it, Gillespie suggests proceeding with caution.
"I would advise patients to be cautious specifically before receiving manipulation of the neck, especially in any way that's a high force/high-speed manipulation."
No matter how it’s explained, we’re still wishing May’s family comfort as they move forward after news as devastating, and preventable, as this.