“White Lives Matter” and the KKK are officially hate movements
It’s now easier than ever to shut down those who argue that “White Lives Matter” is anything close to “Black Lives Matter,” because the movement has officially been classified as one of hate by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the experts who regularly chart hate groups and movements.
White Lives Matter is finally called what it is: a hate movement.
“We are listing them because they are clearly white supremacists,” Heidi Beirich of the SPLC’s Intelligence Project told Vice. “Their motto should be ‘only white lives matter.’”
Exactly. It finally feels like the concerned voices are rising above those who refuse to understand why comparing BLM to White Lives Matter is absolute nonsense, and it’s a good feeling.
Following especially tense racial divides this summer, the SPLC was asked to classify Black Lives Matter as a hate group.
The SPLC refused, saying BLM is *not* at all a hate movement.
Richard Cohen, SPLC president, responded, saying, “In recent weeks, we’ve received a number of requests to name Black Lives Matter a hate group, particularly in the wake of the murders of eight police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge. Numerous conservative commentators have joined the chorus. There is even a Change.org petition calling for the hate group label.”
“Black Lives Matter is not a hate group,” he said. “But the perception that it is racist illustrates the problem. Our society as a whole still does not accept that racial injustice remains pervasive. And, unfortunately, the fact that white people tend to see race as a zero-sum game may actually impede progress.”
They’ll be joined by the Ku Klux Klan, the National Socialist Movement, and racist skinheads on the annual “hate map” that keeps track of hate groups and movements.