Venus is entering Aries, and you’re going to feel more selfish
On February 7th, 2020, Venus is entering Aries, a sign that has the strong capacity to assert themselves, their boundaries, their desires and wishes. When Venus was in Pisces last month, the energy revolved around being selfless, kind, and thinking of others. However, now that Venus will be entering Aries, it’s time to be selfish.
While this may sound harsh, it’s not. To put it plainly, you cannot take care of other people if you don’t take care of yourself first. And with Venus in Aries, you may begin to approach life with this newfound priority on yourself.
During this time, we’re called to shamelessly reclaim ourselves by enforcing boundaries, whether that means saying no when you mean no or saying no when saying yes means abandoning or betraying yourself.
Ultimately, it’s time to figure out what you want, what you desire, and what you need.
But if you’re already someone who doesn’t struggle with prioritizing yourself, then you may have a difficult time asserting your desires and boundaries in a way that is balanced and assertive. Aries love to deliver a cutthroat no, and now we’re being called to embody this strong and straightforward energy. We’re no longer here to waste anyone’s time, especially yours!
Now is a time to select people based on your desires. You want to be assertive and direct, and re-assert yourself in relationships where the power balance has tipped to one side. Aries is a very sexual sign that is very attuned with the body, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself wanting to work out more than usual or feel more fired up when it comes to your desires.
Plus, you won’t be the only one who will experience this selfish energy. Everyone will likely be a little more self-centered and focused on how they look, which can effectively create more sexiness in the air.
While Aries has a lot of attractive qualities, like being assertive, sexy, and self-reliant, there is one thing to keep in mind for the next month: Relationships are likely to be a little more immature than usual. As youthful and candid as Aries are in their demeanor, they’re also a sign that’s immature and has difficulty with collaborating and compromising in relationships.
For the next month, any issue related to these themes will be brought to the forefront. Plus, because your relationships are likely to be more honest and candid, you’ll have the opportunity to see where you have been compromising on maturity.
Want to learn astrology with me? You can take my beginners class, which starts February 23rd. Enroll here.