What’s the most popular store in YOUR state?

Retailers like Forever 21, Gap, and Nordstrom are some of the names that probably come to mind when you think of widely popular clothing stores. If you were ever curious as to which retailer might be at the top of your list for your particular state, Refinery29 asked research company Social Context Lab to compile this data and the results were pretty interesting.

While Macy’s was the most talked-about store across the country, it only claimed a number of mostly east coast states, including New York. Lingerie retailer Victoria’s Secret was the winner in New Mexico and North Dakota and fellow mall retailer Old Navy ruled Connecticut, Delaware, Oklahoma, and Vermont.

As for Forever 21, states like Kansas, Maryland, and Utah favored the fast fashion retailer above everything else. UK retailer Topshop, which has only nine brick-and-mortar stores in the country, was the crowned favorite in both Illinois and California.

Does all this talk of shopping make you want to hit the mall to get a new summer outfit? Please pick us up an Orange Julius on the way out.