Everything cool that happened at the secret Marvel fan event

In one of those “life’s not fair” scenarios, Marvel hosted an invite-only special event for fans (and ok, some press was there, too) at the El Capitan theater in Hollywood. Why am I super jealous I wasn’t invited? Simple, they used that time to announce all of the awesome things that are coming to us from the Marvel Universe (which is definitely the coolest universe around). They’ve announced everything for their Phase Three, aka everything happening after Avengers: Age of Ultron hits theaters in May of 2015.

What did everyone at the event learn, while I lived vicariously through them on Twitter?

1. Important release dates of fan favorites

The sequel to Guardians of the Galaxy in 2015! (Which was first announced at Comic-Con this year by none other than Chris Pratt himself.)

Oh my gosh, then Thor: Ragnarok in 2017! Does this mean Loki is coming back? I love Loki in more ways than one, and Tom Hiddleston isn’t so bad himself either.  

2. Long-awaited stories to be told

We also learned the release date for Doctor Strange, (the story of a former neurosurgeon who slides into the role of primary protector of Earth against all kinds of terrifying, mystical threats), which has been discussed for what feels like years and is finally happening. IT’S coming November 4, 2016. According to Deadline, our guy Benedict Cumberbatch is in talks to take on the role.  

2. Brand new heroes

If you’re ready for a brand new character to become obsessed with, and consequently buy all of his merchandise, Black Panther is joining the MCU with his very own movie opening on November 3, 2017

4. Marvel on the small screen

Then, in maybe an attempt to bridge all of the Marvel words together, like ABC’s Agents of SHIELD, comes Inhumans. “It seemed time to open the floodgates a little bit wider,” Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige said. It’s highly speculated that characters on the TV show may or may not be Inhumans themselves, and it’d be a perfect way to link everything together, finally allowing me to fill my every moment of every waking day with Marvel tales. 5. Epic finales

Just like it’s common nowadays to split huge epic finales into two parts (you know, like Harry Potter and Hunger Games), the final installment of Avengers will be hitting us twice. First, Infinity War: Part I, will open in theaters on May 4, 2018, with the second part, Avengers: Infinity War: Part II, coming out the following year on May 3, 2019.

6. Fierce face-offs

Also, all that talk of war means that Captain America: Civil War is a go, which was highly speculated after Robert Downey Jr. signed onto the film earlier. This will pit Avenger against Avenger, and I might go queue up for this one now.

7. And what about The Hulk?

Now, my favorite Avenger is Hulk, aka Bruce Banner, and Feige reassured the crowd that he’ll appear in all the films, but doesn’t yet have plans for his own stand-alone film (one that would wipe away the bad memories of the previous Hulk films), so I guess I’ll just wait.

Also, where is my Black Widow movie? I’m ready whenever you are, Marvel.

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