Netflix Roulette is the answer to the age-old question, “What should we watch on Netflix?”
Not sure if you guys have ever played actual roulette, but it can get pretty addictive pretty darn fast, which can then get expensive. Good news if you’re a gambler with a budget: If you have a Netflix account, you can play Netflix roulette ( — and instead of getting your wallet drained, you get a random TV show or movie to watch! Hooray!
Before you’re like, “What if I get a horror movie? I hate horror movies!” let us explain further: This roulette lets you use filters, so you can decide to make your outcome not totally random if you want. Aside from filtering by genre, you can set parameters for rating (it’s still using 1-5 and not the new thumbs rating system, FYI), director, actor/actress, and keyword.
Not in the mood for movies but would lurve to start streaming a new TV show? No problem. Just uncheck the “Show Movies” box, check “Show TV Shows” instead, and click “Spin.”
Here’s what happened when we said we wanted to watch a pretty highly rated Jennifer Aniston comedy.
And a new action-adventure TV show that wasn’t so highly rated, because we like to give things a chance. And hey, this stars Daryl Hannah and Tom and Huck bae Brad Renfro (R.I.P), so how bad can it really be?
Throwing caution to the wind, learning lessons, etc.
You do need a Netflix account for this, just FYI — the site (and corresponding Flix Roulette app!) aren’t a way around that, sadly.
Also, the more we play with this tool, the more we realize it’s maybe as addicting as real roulette, so clear out a day on your calendar and have fun discovering new Netflix adventures beyond!