Here’s where you can watch and stream “A Christmas Story” on Christmas Eve and Christmas
If you have yet to watch A Christmas Story more than five times this holiday season, you’re in luck. There a few channels that have multiple showings of A Christmas Story slated for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Plus there are several streaming sites that also have the 1983 holiday film up for viewing. So get comfy in your favorite pink bunny onesie and hit the couch. We have a Christmas classic to watch!
According to TV Guide, starting Sunday, December 24th, TNT and TBS are both hosting A Christmas Story marathon which will run right through Christmas Day. The first showing starts at 8:00 PM EST on both channels and will play non stop until the last showing at 6:00 PM EST Christmas Day, December 25th. We’ll be watching all 12 showings if you need us!
Turner Classic Movies (TCM) will also be hosting their own A Christmas Story marathon starting the midnight before Christmas Eve. Their last showing will also be at 6:00 PM on Christmas Day.
But if you’re itching to watch the film now, there are a few other places you can catch A Christmas Story. Xfinity is currently streaming the movie and if you have an Xfinity account, all you have to do is sign in to watch.
Or, if you don’t mind paying a few bucks to watch, you can rent A Christmas Story through Amazon for $3.99 or buy it for $9.99. You can also rent it from Google Play for $2.99 or buy for $9.99. YouTube offers the same deal.
If you’re a true-blue A Christmas Story fan, it might be worth just buying you own copy of the film to watch year-round. Who wouldn’t like a little Ralphie in July, right?
Tune in, log on, and get your A Christmas Story fix. Going a year without it would be sacrilege!