Everything you’ve always wanted to know about vajacials but were afraid to ask

There are some women a bit more bashful when it comes to talking about their vaginas, but I’m just not one of them. I’m the woman who is completely unafraid to discuss matters of the hoo-ha, an open book of sorts when it comes to things down there, and I’m a firm believer that it’s for good reason. Like anything else health-related, it’s of the utmost importance to know what you’re doing and share that awareness; therefore, talking about vaginas is important. Plus, vajay-jays are just so complex and fascinating, how could one help but want to chat about them? So it goes without saying that when I found out that vajacials were a real-life thing, I was immediately interested in the details of giving my lady-parts a little TLC.

What are vajacials?

“Vajacials can be marked by two different types of treatments,” says founder of VSpot Medi Spa, Cindy Barshop. “Like other facials, there are those with extractions and those without extractions.” The strictly external treatment is made to improve the appearance of the outermost areas of the vagina through exfoliation, steaming, and hydration. “First, we do an almond exfoliation cleanse to remove the dead skin, and then we do a V-steam, which is when we steam the outside area with herbs—it softens the skin in preparation for extractions,” she explains. “This all helps to prevent and remove ingrown hairs. After the extractions are done, the area is cleansed and we put a blue light on the space to assist in removing any bacteria. At the end, we switch to a red light to help improve blood flow and healing.”

Are vajacials safe?

While Barshop maintains that vajacials should be customized to your skin’s needs, there are a few things that should remain consistent across the board. “You must look for a place that is hygienic,” she urges. “Be sure that the aestheticians are using proper safety precautions such as gloves, that they’re using proper disinfecting practices, and that the place you go to is specialized in intimate care.” And while many places may offer the treatment, Barshop swears off nail salons for your vajacial needs (yes, select nail salons offer the treatment). “Go to a medi-spa environment where certain standards both hygienically and medically are strictly upheld.”

Because the vagina is a sensitive and delicate place, one responsible for a plethora of important functions, many women are understandably skeptical of the vajacial. However, Barshop says you have no reason to worry. “The only risk is dirt,” she insists. “Which is why an impeccably clean medi-spa is so important.”


What do OB/GYNs think about vajacials?

While vajacials are wholly external, the skin on the vulva varies greatly from that on our face or legs. “If someone is constantly getting vajacials, you have to take into account how often they’re doing so,” says Karyn White, M.D., an OB/GYN in Maryland. “You don’t want to throw the skin off of its normal functions.” Dr. White insists that women looking to get vajacials for skin relief should refrain from doing so more than once every three to six months. “What can happen is you begin a vicious cycle, which can disrupt the skin, especially on the vulva.” In between vajacials, she urges women to also steer clear of any hair removal methods that have proven detrimental to their skin, especially for women of color due to their hair’s curlier texture. “In between treatments, exfoliate and moisturize the skin, making sure you aren’t picking at any ingrown hairs. Everything in moderation.”

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