Here’s that DIY welcome sign your home has been hankering for

So I might have a little bit of a hoarding problem when it comes to art. My bookshelves are crowded with little pictures and glass trinkets, and my walls are covered with framed animal portraits and sketches from friends. And that’s not even all of it—my closet is full of rolled-up concert posters that I knew I wanted to display “someday.” Which is all to say that I am a huge fan of the gallery wall: lots of pieces of art arranged together in one space. They’re easy to rearrange, too!

If you’re looking for a way to shake up your own gallery wall, I have an easy, DIY-able suggestion for you: a wire sign. Floral wire is super easy to shape by hand or with pliers, and with a little patience, you can mold it into whatever shape or phrase you want. I went with a classic “Welcome” for my first little wire sign. I think the gold color and cheerful script will look wonderful on my wall. Now I just have to find space for all of my other pieces of art…


  • Gold floral wire (I only ended up needing one roll for this project)
  • Needlenose pliers

Craft away:

  • Unwind the end of the wire, and straighten it with the pliers.
  • Begin forming the wire into scripted letters, with the “W” measuring about 3 1/2-inches high. I found it easiest to go very slowly, straightening the wire as much as possible before bending into the letter shapes. The pliers are useful for guiding the wire and for pinching corners more tightly.
  • By making script letters, you should be able to make the word in out of one long piece of wire. If you do need to make it from separate pieces, make sure the pieces are firmly connected together with beading wire, glue or strong, clear tape.
  • Once you’ve finished the word, carefully snip the end of the wire with the pliers. Be careful—the edges of the wire can be sharp!
  • You’re finished! Display your cute new sign in your hallway, or use it to add some visual interest to a gallery wall.

 Check out even more Sew Cute DIY ideas here!