The Weirdest Ryan Gosling Products You Can Buy
Hey Girl, I heard you had a bad day. Would seeing my face on some bizarre items cheer you up?
There is no shortage of weird Ryan Gosling products for purchase on Etsy (which is a good thing, since I completely understand the appeal) but, in these products, there is a thin line between ironic-cute and creepy-odd. And some Ryan Gosling crafts — from clothes to art to the existential — are teetering on the edge. Here are my favorite awkward and awesome Gosling-inspired buys.
Ryan Gosling Nail Decals Transfer Nail Stickers
Nail art to match any outfit.
Dapper Ryan Gosling Leggings
Would pairing these leggings with this Ryan Gosling crop top be too much?
Ryan Gosling Earrings
Talk about studs!
Hey Girl Cross Stitch
Taylor Swift recently showed us that pop-culture needlepoint can brighten up any room.
Ryan Gosling as a slice of pepperoni pizza
An artist combined two of the world’s greatest things into one fabulous (and confusing) work of art. I mean that is some hot pizza, and no I’m not sure how I meant that.
Ryan Gosling Macaulay Culkin Tee
It’s so meta.
Ryan Gosling’s Soul
Ok, this one is a little creepy. But for the low, low price of $15, you can buy the man’s soul. That’s right, Etsy shop SoulsRUs is selling the ethereal essence of the Gos for a song. Or maybe they’re just selling a jam jar with a label on it. Either way, it’s cheaper than this Ryan Gosling body pillow.