12 Weird and Unexpected Signs That Might Mean You’re Pregnant

From a stuffy nose to constipation, nothing is too weird.

When someone finds out they’re pregnant in the movies, it’s either because of a missed period or because they’re throwing up profusely. However, there are plenty of offbeat, weird signs you might be pregnant, and although these generally aren’t featured on the big screen, they’re definitely worth knowing about. Whether you’re trying to get pregnant or avoid babies altogether, it pays to be equipped with as much knowledge as possible, because you don’t want to miss out on something that could help you plan your future.

Your whole body starts to change shortly after you become pregnant, so there are a lot of different signals your body tries to send you when you’re pregnant. All you have to do is learn what they are, so when they show up you know exactly what to do with them. Of course, if at any point you feel like you might be pregnant, give Google a rest and call up your doctor. They’ll be able to answer all the burning questions you might have about what the next step is for you. Here are 12 weird signs you could be pregnant.

12 Signs of being pregnant:

1. Your nose is stuffy.

The hormones in your body go rogue when you fall pregnant, which affects many different parts of your body. You might battle a runny nose because the hormones and increased blood production cause your mucous membranes to swell up. This will likely leave you blowing your nose at all hours of the day, even though you know you’re not actually sick. It’s technically called rhinitis of pregnancy, and it affects 30 percent of pregnant women.

2. You’re sweating for no reason.

According to Dr. Joel Sorosky, advisor to Oova, your internal temperature is slightly raised when you’re pregnant because your metabolism is working a lot faster than usual. This can result in sweating during moments when you’re not particularly active. The perspiration might show up in odd places, like your belly or your legs, so chat with a doctor if you find that you’re sweating for virtually no reason.

3. You’re constantly drooling.

It sounds really strange, but believe it or not, your mouth produces excess saliva when you’re pregnant. As a result, you might feel like a toddler who simply can’t stop drooling all over themselves. It’s called ptyalism or sialorrhea, and it might be particularly strong when you’re experiencing morning sickness.

4. Your nipples get really big and dark.

Your body is preparing you for nursing a newborn, which means your nipples are gearing up for breastfeeding. They darken up because of the change in hormones, and some experts say this is also to make it easier for your baby to find your nipple for feeding. You might see some new bumps forming on your nipples as well, which are oil-producing glands called Montgomery’s tubercles.

5. Your shoes don’t fit anymore.

Many pregnant women report that their feet feel bigger as soon as they’re pregnant. This is a really common side effect due to all the fluid that’s building up in your ankles and feet, so don’t be alarmed if your shoes don’t fit and your pregnancy test comes out positive.

6. You keep having weird dreams.

It’s reported that women have all kinds of vivid dreams when they’re pregnant. The change in hormones can result in new dreaming, but also pregnancy can trigger lots of new feelings, like excitement, anxiety, and stress, which can all cause an increase in dreams.

7. Your pets are acting funny around you.

Dogs and cats understand a lot more about the human experience than we give them credit for. They can sense when someone is pregnant, which could be because of the hormonal and pheromonal changes, so they start acting differently. If they start paying you a lot of attention and you can’t figure out why, it might be time to invest in a pregnancy test.

8. The skin on your face changes colors.

Your face might experience something called melasma when you fall pregnant, which causes the color of your skin to change due to an increase in melanin production caused by the increase in estrogen and progesterone. It’s not permanent, so don’t be alarmed, and it affects nearly 50 to 75 percent of those who expecting.

9. You have inexplicable heartburn.

It’s common for pregnant people to experience uncomfortable heartburn during their pregnancy, says Dr. Sorosky. This likely occurs, once again, because of the hormonal changes, which can potentially affect the muscles in your digestive tract. Your body tolerates food differently as well when you’re pregnant so you might find that certain foods don’t sit well with you like they did before.

10. You’re constipated.

Usually, constipation can be caused by minimal exercise, a low-fiber diet, or even stress. According to the American Pregnancy Association, though, it can also be caused by pregnancy. “Constipation during pregnancy is due to the increase in progesterone hormones that relax the intestinal muscle causing food and waste to move slower through your system,” according to the APA website.

11. You’re getting acne.

Due to all of the hormonal changes while pregnant, many experiences an increase in oil production, which can lead to acne. It’s best to consult with a dermatologist to come up with a treatment plan as certain acne-fighting ingredients, like retinoids and benzoyl peroxide, aren’t proven to be safe for use while pregnant.

12. You’re experiencing dizziness.

According to gynecologist Dr. Kelly Copeland, another less common symptom can include dizziness and faintness. Those who do experience dizziness will begin to feel it during week 12 of their pregnancy and in the first few weeks of their second trimester. According to What to Expect, it can be a result of low blood sugar due to morning sickness, your body not producing enough blood for two humans yet, increased levels of progesterone, or pressure on your blood vessels because of your growing uterus.

If any of these pregnancy symptoms show up in your life, especially if they’re paired with common side effects such as morning sickness or a missed period, take a pregnancy test and speak to your doctor immediately. The sooner you know you’re pregnant, the sooner you can take care of yourself—in whatever way you see fit.

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