Your weird-shaped Cheetos could be worth money

When you were growing up, you were likely told not to play with your food. But today, Cheetos just made a major announcement that makes playing with your food both fun and potentially lucrative.

Throughout this summer, Cheetos is encouraging you to find and submit the most uniquely shapes you see. According to the Official Rules on the Cheetos Museum website (where you can peruse the submitted entries) food will be judged by the Frito-Lay company based on “visual interest,” how “buzz-worthy” it is, and general “creativity.” The winners could be paid big cash prizes for their entries. Not to mention, they’ll have the honor of their finds going into the prestigious Cheetos Museum where the whole world may be in awe of their discovery (and whose curators have already amassed a pretty astounding collection of interesting-looking Cheetos). You have until August 15 to submit your discoveries, which is plenty of time to go on some serious search excursions.

Frito-Lay is already doing a pretty phenomenal job of advertising this hilarious treasure hunt-style competition. Their first announcement video features a “Cheetos Collector” proudly showing off some of his favorite finds throughout the years. Each of the finds are creative, hilarious, and sometimes downright impressive. And while we may not exactly want to be just like this guy, he definitely makes a good point when he says, “When you start seeing shapes in Cheetos, it’s really hard not to see shapes in Cheetos.”

So next time you snag a bag of the yummy orange treats, ready to scarf away your latest cheesy craving, take a pause and see if the food you’re about to eat might be worth snapping a quick pic and giving a delightful label to (and then, of course, enjoying as usual). You never know, that quick little pause could earn you some serious cash. And winning some serious cash means you’ll have the mean to buy even more Cheetos in the future.

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