Your HelloGiggles horoscope, November 17th to November 23rd: Gird your loins—new beginnings are just around the corner

This week is filled with plot twists and powerful releases of energy, but rest easy—we are actually being released from the heaviness of Scorpio season and plunging into more uplifted energies as we progress towards Sagittarius season.

The main feature this week is Mars entering the sign of Scorpio. It’s promising brand new beginnings for love and business equally. We also have strong blessings in the sky, so no matter how difficult your life has been during these last few weeks, rest assured—hope and abundance are right around the corner.

Plus, on Wednesday, November 20th, Mercury will turn direct. This will allow us to see a little more clearly, so we can start implementing all the changes we internally went through during the last three weeks.

Ready to look at your sun sign horoscope for this week? Check it out below. And while you’re at it, read your rising sign as well.


You’ll feel stable this week, Aries. You’re establishing roots and feeling safer, steadier, and more grounded. Mercury turning direct will help you feel secure in your partnerships and help you see the results of all the work you provided to establish strong foundations. 


Birds are chirping because love is all around, Taurus. Expect to be smitten and to receive offers of love, either from a past partner or someone new. In any case, there’s a really loving energy around you this week, and you’re feeling more in tune with your own heart. This is a good time to emotionally replenish yourself and be more loving and giving with the people closest to you. 


This week is about reinventing yourself and making magic out of past failures or disappointments. Whatever didn’t work out for you in the past, you now have the ability to turn things around. You’ll place a lot of your attention on your work and your overall desire to improve yourself. And while you could have failed a 1000 times at a particular enterprise, you may see it succeed at the 1001th attempt. Don’t despair—sometimes all it takes is a fresh perspective, which Mercury direct will grant you this week.   


This week is asking you to focus on being strategic about your goals. Whatever it is that you wish to achieve, you’re advised to think ahead, plan carefully, and measure all outcomes. You could feel tempted to go all-in with your heart and be bold and impulsive, but your cosmic advice is to ponder your enthusiasm with a bit of careful thinking.  


You may be feeling very reflective and be tempted to revisit some past situations this week. Allow yourself to do this, whether it’s only in your head or by actually rekindling a situation. You’re attempting to heal and understand why certain experiences didn’t work out, and the more you’re able to revisit and reflect on these moments, the more you’ll be able to move forward once this work is done. 


You’re feeling extremely communicative this week. You’re wanting to talk, write, drive around, and perhaps even take a trip. This week, the energy is very mobile and energetic for you. Send that text or email, call that person you’ve been thinking about, and crush your to-do list. You’re encouraged to be versatile and witty—so embrace it! 


You can’t help but focus on the past this week. Whether it’s because you’re thinking of a past relationship, reflecting on memories, or remembering your childhood, your energy is focused on revisiting the past. I know, you spend the majority of your time in your head, but this week is actually about exploring past emotions. If you’ve been contemplating a reconciliation with someone, push away this idea for now. Focus on what you feel first before you make any decisions.


You’re very focused on self-improvement and self-inquiry this week. You’re spending a lot of energy trying to understand why you are the way you are and why you do the things you do—and this experience can be very positive for you. You could feel tempted to “skip ahead” and rush through this self-growth period, but you know deep down this isn’t something that can be rushed. When you have patience with yourself, blessings will come through, both internally (sense of safety and self-reliance) and externally (financial rewards).


Mercury turns direct on the 20th, and you’re going to rush ahead with whatever new plan you had brewing. You’re always on the next thing, and this week, the stars encourage you to go ahead with your goals and plans. However, be patient. Try to wait for Mercury to turn direct on Wednesday before you rush doing something you’re so excited about. Warning: Do be careful when you’re driving in traffic—too much excitement can create impulsive driving.


Your energy is split between work matters and spiritual matters, and you might find that as long as you don’t address the spiritual concerns, your work life could be a little stunted. If you experience feelings of sadness, confusion, loneliness, or indecision in regards to some areas of your life, it’s important to let yourself feel it. Don’t just power through them, allow yourself to be temporarily confused and sad. These are normal human emotions, and the more you feel them, the shorter this period will be.


This is a philosophical week for you, Aquarius. Mercury turns direct and allows you to appreciate how some of your beliefs might have been limiting for you. You could experience strong insights a la “aha moments,” which will allow you to grow both personally and professionally. This week is a great time to rely on your friendships and connections to help you feel good and optimistic. Your work life could present some strong successes, too. If you’ve been waiting to be rewarded, it might just knock on your door this week.   


You’ll receive strong blessings this week, Pisces. Any indistinctness will dissipate when Mercury turns direct on the 20th. You’re much more aware of who you are, what you want in your relationships, and what is or isn’t working in your professional life. And because this week’s energy is very growth-oriented, you can expect all the emotions you felt in the previous weeks to finally turn into something externally rewarding and productive.  

For more astrology from me, check out my weekly forecasts.

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