Your Weekly Horoscope, November 22nd to 28th: An Eruption of Desires Will Come to Life

Plus, Neptune will turn direct.

This weekly horoscope is for all the visionaries, as our innovative notions and desires have the ability to come to life. Mercury, which is in Scorpio, galvanizes Neptune, which is retrograde in Pisces, on November 23rd, giving prominence to your dreams. Mercury and Pluto, which is in Capricorn, connect on November 27th, adding power to your words.

Venus, which is in Scorpio, opposes Uranus, which is retrograde in Taurus, on November 27th, heightening your sensual desires. Mercury and Jupiter, which is in Capricorn, work together to expand your mind on November 28th. Neptune, which has been retrograde since June 22nd, turns direct on November 28th, bringing truths to light.

Below is your weekly horoscope. Make sure to read your rising sign, too.


You’re finding that your seemingly friendly colleagues aren’t as nice as they appear behind the scenes. The only way to handle this situation is to set clear boundaries with all of your coworkers and not share details of your personal life. Then they can’t gossip about you behind your back.


Taking a different approach to how you relate to your crush or boo will prevent a lot of arguments when drama arises between you two this week. Instead of popping off to their moods, try not to take it personally and don’t fight back. They’ll apologize before you know it.


You give a lot of your energy to helping others thrive. Now it’s your time to focus your energies solely on yourself. This will ensure that you get the cred that you deserve (both professionally and personally). Taking your power back will also allow you to feel stronger than ever.


Partnerships of all kinds are hard, especially those that occupy a lot of your time and energy. It’s important to find balance in situations that are demanding and with people who are (for lack of a better word) “extra.” That way you don’t have to drain your energy on them.


Moving may not be an option, but that doesn’t mean you can’t rev up your dwelling and change the vibe by making a few minor adjustments to your home decor. Some touchups to your place may add a little seasonal flair and totally get you in the holiday mood.


A creative opportunity is coming your way, allowing you to find solace and drive in your professional life. The caveat is that you may not feel ready to accept such a high honor or work on this amazing project. But you are! Find inspiration within yourself and embrace this moment.


Your personal views are changing, which means that you are growing on a deep level. Finding your confidence during this time will help you transform your spirit. You’ll find your emotional center and be at peace within yourself. This will also strengthen your demeanor and motivation to succeed in life.


No one knows more than you that a glare and negative words from someone can hurt. That won’t stop you from expressing your sentiments to those who have upset you this week. Choose your words wisely and be kind with your actions. Don’t add fuel to the fire. Be more chill in your approach.


You’re taking a step back from the limelight and opting not to share aspects of your life on social media. Keeping things low-key will allow you to move forward without catching or feeling negative vibes from others. It’ll also inspire you to live your life to the fullest.


Call a friend who you haven’t spoken to in a long time this week. You will feel like fully opening up and sharing everything (the good, the bad, and the ugly) that’s been going on in your orbit since the last time you spoke. Keep in touch to stay connected.


It’s time for you to embrace your deepest fears (which is scary). Once you acknowledge your innermost sentiments and feelings about these fears, you can overcome all of them. Dealing with them directly will help you understand what little power they have in your life.


Finding your groove is harder than ever, mostly because you’re not vibing with your squad. Don’t let their energy interfere with how you feel about yourself. The moment you don’t absorb their emotions or sentiments, you’ll feel ready to take on the world again. Protect your energy from others, Pisces.

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