Your Weekly Horoscope, November 15th to 21st: An Explosion of Emotions Will Take You on a Wild Ride
You can thank Venus and Pluto for this.

This weekly horoscope starts off with an emotional bang, when Venus, which is in Libra, squares off with Pluto, which is in Capricorn, on November 15th. (It’ll be a loud after effect from the Scorpio new moon that occurs on November 14th PDT and 15th EDT.) The following day, Venus and Jupiter, which is in Capricorn, bring the power struggles from the 15th to the next level.
Mercury, which is in Scorpio, opposes Uranus, which is retrograde in Taurus, on November 17th which will allow you to see matters from a clear perspective. The Scorpio sun and Saturn, which is in Capricorn, motivate each other to take control of matters on November 19th. Venus and Saturn collide a few hours later on the 19th, which will make you feel lost in love. Venus glides into Scorpio on November 21st, heightening your passions. The sun enters Sagittarius on the 21st, spicing up your vibes and sentiments.
Intimacy can be challenging, but rewarding. Letting your close friends and family to see the “real” you will be easy for you this week, as you are seeing and believing that you can trust them with your secrets and fears. They will be on your side and always love you.
You’re wanting to take your new relationship to the next level this week. For the first time in your life, it’s not scary at all. Moving towards love with an open heart will bring you to an amazing place with your partner—something you never thought would be possible.
You’re expanding your palate and tastes, which is fabulous. Opening your mind to new aromas and flavors is exciting and intoxicating. The caveat is that you’re spending a lot of money to indulge your senses—do so on a budget to ensure you don’t break the bank in the process.
Love is in the air and the skies look clear without any thunderstorms approaching. Although you’re happy to be in a good place, you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop. Instead of being pessimistic, live in the now. Only think about the present to avoid inner conflicts from occurring.
Speaking your mind isn’t hard for you to do. You are trying to get your points heard by others and to sway their minds. While they totally understand what you’re saying, it will take a little extra work and directness on your point to change their opinions. Don’t mince words!
Your budding relationship is a top priority for you, as you are wanting to make it thrive and work. The caveat is that you’re putting a lot of pressure on yourself at the moment to ensure romantic success. Loosen up! Taking a chill approach will bring you both closer together.
Redecorate your home with a few light seasonal changes. Add some lush velvet pillows to your couch to spruce up the overall vibe. Little things like this will totally heighten your energy and home for the better. You’ll feel ready to take on the world from the comforts of home.
It’s time for you to take a step back from the limelight and focus your energies on yourself. Give yourself time to connect with yourself again. Being selfish with your time will help heal your worries, stresses, and mind. You’ll also feel good disconnecting and unplugging from work this week.
Clandestine activities from the past are coming out this week, which is why it’s best to have an open approach when you’re confronted about these events to avoid unnecessary arguments. Don’t hide the truth, admit to your part in the situation, and move on. This will squash the drama swiftly.
You’ve been focusing too much on work and yourself, that you’ve forgotten to give your relationship a little extra love. Make sure to put your partner’s needs second to yours this week, not third after work. They’ll appreciate the attention and affection. And, it will create balance in your relationship.
There are many changes headed your way, most of which you aren’t ready for. Before you run away and hide from life and responsibilities, take a moment to catch your breath to make plans and understand how you can navigate through these issues. You’ll be able to solve such problems.
A friend may ask you for a loan or a big favor during the week, which you won’t want to partake in. Saying “no” is a hard thing for you to do, but it’s important for you to set boundaries with others to ensure you’re not being taken for granted.