Your Weekly Horoscope, May 9th to 15th: A Pillow of Gentle Energy Is Heading Your Way

Expect to make decisions that will affect your life on May 10th.

The cosmic energy this week is lighter and gentler than the previous weeks. Enjoy the vibe. Mercury and the North Node of Destiny link up in Gemini, allowing you to make decisions that can affect the direction of your life on May 10th.

The Taurus new moon occurs on May 11th, bringing romance and creativity to the forefront of your goals. Mars, which is in Cancer, connects with Uranus, which is in Taurus, on May 11th, which will see excitement and gusto to the new moon. Mercury and Saturn, which is in Aquarius, harmonize and constrict communication on May 12th. Lucky Jupiter enters Pisces on May 13th, which will serve to expand your dreams and beliefs. The Taurus sun and Neptune, which is in Pisces, connect on the 13th and will lighten your heart and heighten your imagination. 

Below is your weekly horoscope. Make sure to read your rising sign, too.


You don’t always have to be number one at everything you do to ensure that you win. You’re born to succeed. It doesn’t mean that having a place or trophy matters. Just knowing that you are a baller is all you need to achieve your goals and win at life.


Your friends are boosting you up and making you feel as though you are walking on air. Just don’t let it go to your head. Their energy may change on a whim. Standing firm in your sentiments will be a source of comfort and security—no matter their moods.


A new opportunity is heading your way. This will conflict with other gigs that you have going on at the moment. Finding a balance between the two will prove to be challenging. The truth is that something has to give. Choose the path where you can grow and succeed.


Having a hands-off approach to matters is key, as it will allow you to see matters clearly and understand relationships from a real perspective. The less you involve yourself in the situation and dynamics of relationships, the more you’ll comprehend who and what is worth dedicating your energy to.


Your career is on fire, but your friends are in need of a hand-up. Don’t turn your back on members of your crew who are struggling. Use your connections to help them find their footing and professional advancement. You will be able to show off your generosity by helping.


What are your professional goals? Write them down and try to bring them to reality this week. By owning your objectives, you will be able to manifest anything you want and evolve with your career. This is the beginning of the dream. Therefore, it’s important to get your intention right.


Finding moments in life that spark joy isn’t hard, as long as you are honest about the activities and people who motivate you towards embracing happiness. When you find these special slices of goodness, don’t take them for granted. Give them a lot of TLC as they’ll bring amazing possibilities.


Keeping up appearances with others isn’t your style, as you always lead with your heart and passions. This week, you’ll be urged to decipher what you wish to pursue on a deep level and what superficial aspects of your life you need to let go of—without any judgment.


Start a routine that you can keep up with. Once you commit to the practice of doing the same thing every day (like yoga, meditation, or walks) you will be glad that you added the activity into your life. Try to keep at it for a while to ensure amazing results.


Speaking from the heart will create lasting relationships, but only if you are clear and concise about what you’re longing to say. Making sweeping declarations of great if you have something to back it up with. Now is the time to share with an open heart instead of holding back.


It would be great if you had a ton of money to support your hobbies and romantic sentiments. However, the reality is that you do not. Rather than waste time and energy stressing over these matters, you should start creating art for art’s sake even if you’re low on funding.


Taking a step back from work and focusing solely on what brings you happiness is a gamble that you have to be willing to take. If you don’t, then you’ll always be wondering how you could fulfill the wondrous parts of your life. Take a risk on supporting your talents.