Your HelloGiggles weekly horoscope, June 21st to June 27th: Expect to make hard decisions soon

It’s a wild time right now, according to the stars. You’ll kick off the week with the Cancer solar eclipse on June 21st, which will awaken your deepest dreams. This sentiment is exasperated on June 23rd, when Neptune starts its six-month retrograde journey in tender Pisces. Venus, which has been moonwalking in Gemini since May 13th, turns direct on June 25th. Be prepared: You will be making major financial and romantic decisions on the 25th. Mars, which is in Pisces, squares off with the North Node of Destiny in Gemini on June 26th, forcing you to make hard, fated decisions. Mars enters Aries on June 27th, sparking inspiration within so you can take flight.  

Scroll below for your weekly horoscope. Make sure to check out your rising sign, too.


All your life you’ve been dreaming of the time when you can live out your dreams. Now, you finally can. The caveat is that you must move towards your visions and desires with no pushback or worry. Move towards personal enlightenment.  

Item to purchase: A rose quartz crystal to open your heart to new possibilities. 


It’s okay to take a pause and reflect, especially while you consider your options in finding the right words and actions to help you to move forward. Then, you can make informed decisions about your present circumstances and the future based on your desires.

Item to purchase: Salt baths to help you reflect and think with your heart.  


For the first time in a long time, you’re putting your needs before others. This may cause you to feel uncertainty and confusion about relationships. By the week’s end, you’ll find that you’re taking back your power and authority over those who’ve caused you heartache in the past.  

Item to purchase: A sun hat to keep you hidden from the shady behaviors of others. 


Life has a funny way of bringing old flames and friendships back to you, especially when you’ve moved on emotionally. Here you are, once again, with the same opportunities, situations, and relationships. The question is: What will you do differently this time around?  

Item to purchase: A stationary set to express yourself the old-school way to your crew. 


Are you being intuitive or just fearful of taking a leap of faith? Try to understand yourself on a deeper level of consciousness this week to ensure that you make the most informed decision to avoid missing out on making the right choice for yourself.  

Item to purchase: A book on dream decoding to understand your subconscious. 


You’re entering murky waters when it comes to your love life and situationships, as a former flame has come along and offered you a sentimental ride. Before responding, think about whether or not you want to ride the merry-go-round again or sit this one out.  

Item to purchase: A pair of sneakers so you can hit the ground running when the going gets tough.  


Sometimes you need to put a label on situations and relationships in order to understand the direction in which you are both headed. To be honest, there is nothing wrong with that. You’ll find that compartmentalizing will go a long way in offering you clarity this week.  

Item to purchase: A journal to take notes on your emotions.


It’s never too late to set boundaries with others, even if you think it is. Before you get extra emo over the matter, consider the fact that you’re stopping the drama in its tracks in order to maintain your friendships.

Item to purchase: A pair of sunglasses so you can see through the light and into the truth. 


Who says romance is dead? You’ll find that it’s alive and well this week. But the question really is: Who do you want to wine and dine? You may find that you’re crushing on an ex rather than someone new. Be open to all possibilities.  

Item to purchase: A memory box to place all of your tokens of love in.  


Step up your game and make decisions that you’re proud of. You will find that it’s easy to commit to decisions if your beliefs align with the agenda of the outside world. There is no offer that can make you compromise your ideals.  

Item to purchase: A planner to make sure you keep up with your goals.  


Oftentimes it’s hard for you to find the right words to let your truest emotions be known. However, this week you are able to speak up with ease and let others know about your deeply felt sentiments—which are miles away from your somewhat austere mindset.  

Item to purchase: A face massager/roller to decompress your mind.  


It’s easy for you to be authentic with your feelings, but you need to decide when and where you want to let your emotions be known. You may find that you’re giving too much effort and sentimentality to keep relationships going that actually need a temporary time-out.  

Item to purchase: A locket to store your deepest sentiments and secrets.  

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