Your HelloGiggles horoscope, July 21st to July 27th: Make self-love a bigger priority

The summer is finally on. This week is passionate and fiery, with the Sun entering the sign of Leo. The energy is vibrant and uplifting, and you can expect the speed to pick up quite nicely. Did you experience your exes coming out of the woodwork yet? If not, expect the ghosts to come out this week as Mercury retrograde forms a perfect conjunction to Venus. It’s also a very good week to reflect on love, self-love, relationships, emotional needs, and family.

Let’s take a look at the weekly horoscope for each sun sign. Don’t forget to check your rising sign if you know it, too.


Romantic much, Aries? You might feel swept off your feet or more inclined to take some risks when it comes to love affairs. Do remember that Mercury is in retrograde and you might feel differently when it’s all over. Enjoy the outburst of passion, but remain grounded. This week is good for any type of creative activity that will make you feel more confident and charismatic.


Slow down this week, Taurus. You’re in for a major bout of Mercury retrograde with possible delays and miscommunications going on. The energy is calling you to retreat in your home and nurture yourself. Grab a blanket, get some ice cream, and enjoy cocooning; this is your best option this week, along with spending time with your family.


Ground yo-self, Gemini. This week you might feel particularly frantic, anxious, and “up in the air.” It’s a very good week to communicate, think, spend time with friends, and be out and about. But think about keeping some time for grounding, especially if you start feeling anxious. Car rides might be a good way to calm the mind this week, so now is the time to go on a road trip.


What are your core values, Cancer? This week is all about knowing your worth, monetary and otherwise. It’s a very good time to do some work on your self-esteem, but it’s also a very good time to spend energy improving your financial conditions. Any financial matter is supported right now, however, do keep an eye on your spending as it could get out of hand this week.


Kitties, it’s finally your season, and it’s time to shine. This week, you have a lot of energy to dedicate to your goals; now is the right time to be confident, charismatic, and a go-getter. You might still find that things aren’t moving quite as fast as you’d like them to be, and it’s because the planets are still asking that you continue the work of isolation and self-reflection that you have been doing for these last few weeks. Continue planting the seeds and don’t be too impatient for the rewards.


Great focus on friendships and networking this week, Virgo, but there could be some hidden enemies or hidden affairs coming out of the woodwork. For this week, it’s a good idea to reflect on who you trust and who has your best interests at heart, and it’s an otherwise good time to keep your most important matters private.


Finally! Things are starting to change for you Libra. The energy is becoming much more sympathetic to your goals and you’ll find yourself with an enhanced capacity to collect the fruits of your labor. Your focus is on work, self-improvement, and overall life direction—big stuff. You’ll find yourself with a much more vibrant energy this week, less in your feels, more in the material world, and going after your goals.


The tiger has been unleashed. This week, you’re particularly eager to show what you’re made of at work. Your energy is utterly competitive and ready to beat your competitors. It’s also an overall good time for self-awareness, reflection, and spiritual journey. You might question your ethics, morals, and values, and it’s a really good time to do so. If you’re travelling, expect delays during this Mercury retrograde.


You’re swimming in deep waters this week. See yourself as a caterpillar: You’re shedding and about to transform into a beautiful butterfly. Know that any pain you’re currently going through serves the purpose of aiding in your transformation. See this pain as a precursor to beautiful growth, and let go and release anything that doesn’t serve you anymore. Not necessarily people, and not necessarily relationships. Although sometimes they are what hold you back, sometimes, what holds you back is…well, you. It’s healing time.


Just like last week, your energy is utterly focused on relationships. So out of character, I know. You’re learning how to be collaborative and more into a give-and-take balance with other people. If you feel like all of this relationship energy is taking away from your work, remember that relationships are work, too, and the skills you’re learning through them will be valuable for your professional success. Enjoy the ride and learn as much as you can.


Time to realign these chakras, Aquarius. It’s all about that health and wellness. This week is a very good time to book a yoga class, a massage, or a holistic health appointment. It’s also a very good time to get a really good routine going for yourself. Where have you been slacking? Where have you been pushing yourself too much? What does your ideal day look like, and how can you get closer to it? This week, your energy is also slowly shifting toward relationships, and you could see some movements in the sector. There may also be a bit of conflict and anger, but those will ultimately help you resolve any lingering conflict that was left unspoken.


It’s going to be a romantic week for you, Pisces. Now is a time to channel your inner child, spend time with kids, and regress back to your childhood. Grab some pencils and color outside the lines. Slide down a playground slide. Go to an escape room. This week is about finding the proper balance between fun and risk-taking activities, and soothing, healthy activities that help you remain aligned and balanced.

For more astrology from me, check out my website.

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