Your HelloGiggles horoscope, January 6th to January 12th: It’s all about exploration and living life to the fullest

We’re finally settling into 2019 and catching a glimpse of what this new year might bring. As we recover from an ambitious new moon and Uranus going direct, we’re feeling more motivated to build our empires and more committed to living our lives truthfully and authentically. What worked last year—or, rather, what we put up with last year—won’t be happening this year. No, sirree. We’ve learned, we’ve grown, we’re woke. As we integrate these lessons and move steadily toward our new goals, Venus enters Sagittarius on January 7th, bringing us a sweet and adventurous vibe when it comes to our human connections and life experiences.
Sagittarius is an energetic fire sign that’s all about exploration and living life to the fullest. When it comes together with the planet of love, where it will stay until February 3rd, we can expect to explore the brighter side of life. We might be determined AF right now, but we’re also embracing new adventures that will enliven and enrich our spirits.
Here’s what else the stars have in store for your weekly horoscope:
The new moon and partial solar eclipse in your sign, Capricorn, have you more determined than ever to create a stable foundation for your future. As you move forward with your goals, don’t be afraid to have some fun. Life’s supposed to be an adventure, after all.
You’re on a deep spiritual quest, Aquarius. You’re a big thinker anyway, and this week has got you pondering big thoughts about your future and where you want to journey to, and through, this year. Remember: you don’t have to make any big moves yet.
This is the time to really ground your energy, Pisces. You have many creative ideas that you would love to explore, but being indecisive or scattered won’t bring anything to fruition. Instead, focus on one and take aligned action to move it forward.
You’re flying high on #goodvibes, Aries. You’re feeling confident about where you’re going this year, and you’re determined to make your mark. Just make sure you’re organized, and double-check all documents and fine print before proceeding.
It’s time to really focus on you, Taurus. You’re a good friend who usually puts others first, but this is your time now. Don’t be afraid to go after what you truly want and live the life of your dreams. Give yourself permission to live large.
You’re craving more authenticity in your life, Gemini. Whether it be in your connections or career, you’re craving things that sound and look like truth. It might mean you have to go it alone for a while. That’s okay. You got this.
You’re feeling like you need more in life, Cancer. You’re restless and eager, and also excited about what’s on the horizon. These are all new energies for you, which can be daunting. Lean into them and take baby steps to help your desires turn into reality.
You’re keen on really building your empire, Leo. From your career to your personal life, you want it all. And you can have it. But first you need structure, a plan, and a whole lot of patience. While the latter isn’t your strongest suit, it’ll help you get where you need to go.
You’re feeling more sentimental than usual, Virgo. While you might be quick to defuse your feels with work, don’t. Relationships are key to a full and well-balanced life. Don’t neglect your heart’s desire and need for connection. It’s okay to be soft.
You’re ready to take control of your life, Libra. If last year caused you to feel unstable and insecure, now’s your chance to get it right. Follow your instincts and don’t hold back when it comes to tackling new projects and starting fresh. It’s a new year, after all.
You’re on the precipice of big change, Scorpio. The only thing holding you back is yourself. Trust that you’re more than ready for this new beginning. Radical change must be followed with discomfort. Learn to find ease in risk.
With Venus entering your sign this week, Sag, there’s nothing that can get you down. While you might be trying to get yourself sorted out post-new moon, you’ll find that love and support surround you. Don’t be afraid to reach out for support. Your tribe is there for you.
A powerful week awaits us, bbs, as we get ourselves situated with this promising new year. Keep moving toward your dreams, and don’t forget to have fun along the way.