Your Weekly Horoscope, August 22nd to 28th: A Tsunami of Emotions Will Shift Your Thinking

August 22nd is a day of change and introspection.

Get ready to feel major emotions during this week’s horoscope! The blue full moon in Aquarius falls hours before the Sun enters Virgo on August 22nd. This is a day of change, shifts, and introspection. Venus, which is in Libra, connects with the Nodes of Destiny on August 22nd and Saturn, which is retrograde in Aquarius, on August 23rd, creating structure in relationships.

Mars, which is in Virgo, links up with Uranus, which is retrograde in Taurus, on August 22nd. This transit will allow you to think outside of the box. Mercury, which is in Virgo, opposes Neptune, which is retrograde in Pisces, on August 24th, and galvanizes Pluto, which is retrograde in Capricorn, on August 26th. Your intuition will be strong, as well as your passionate nature.

Below is your weekly horoscope. Make sure to read your rising sign, too.


Is it possible that you’re stepping into matters that don’t concern you? You’re fiercely protective of your friends, but be careful not to project your stuff onto them. At the same time, there’s a lack of boundaries at home. How can you be more clear and stay in your lane?


While you continue to pursue to your career goals, the long process of rebuilding your foundational structures creates an uneasiness within and outside of you. As you continue to work through this dynamic, be kind to yourself—this isn’t easy! Find new pathways of ease through the difficulties.


The tension in a close relationship peaks this week, if it didn’t already pop during the full moon on Sunday. It’s time to fully express yourself and really allow your emotions to surface. Stop presenting that everything is okay and don’t hold back. The other person is feeling it, too.


There’s a lot boiling up inside of you, but you keep that part hidden from the rest of the world. There are times, though, where you can’t keep that all in, and release is imminent. Secrets become revealed. You’ll see that it wasn’t as bad as you lend yourself to believe.


There’s an emotional need for communication within your home, but you’ll find it hard to express your sentiments to your family. When you try to speak about your emotions, you may find you’re met with resistance from the other party. Try your best to see the situation from their perspective.


Do you feel attacked by your loved ones lately? With tension coming to a head this week, you’re being invited to look at both sides. What role do you play in this dynamic? What is the underlying cause of this strife? Spend time getting to the root of the matter.


A story around your inner experience has been unfolding for some time now. A deeper layer of this story is being exposed, and you’ll have the opportunity to see a pattern. Try to be extra kind with the way you speak to yourself. This can be a super healing time.


Taking time and space for yourself is super important, so don’t feel bad about being antisocial. Your friends will understand. It’s also important to know when it’s necessary to speak with someone about what you’re going through. Sorting through your emotions will be essential for your personal growth right now.


Are you having trouble with managing your finances? The past few months have been peppered with unexpected expenses here and there, and it’s starting to catch up to you. In order to feel more in control of money, get a clear view of what you’re working and go from there.


You’re beginning to see that the emotional intensity of the past few months is beginning to die down. While you’ll start the week off quietly, still processing past events, you’ll begin to feel more like yourself throughout the week as you begin to have more awareness of your body and being in the present moment.


Your workweek begins with more excited feelings about your public image and career. It may feel as if you have a cosmic protector looking out for you, sprinkling magic onto you from above and blessing you with opportunities you never expected you’d have. Just remember to give much gratitude.


You continue to experience the most warmth and excitement when around friends. Who haven’t you seen or talked to in a while? Make an effort to catch up with old friends that have been there for you in the past, you never know how much you can help each other