Your Weekly Horoscope, August 1st to 7th: Expect Roadblocks to Halt Your Desires
Things will get better on August 3rd.
For this weekly horoscope, the Leo sun and Mercury come together in the sky, then Mercury and the Nodes of Destiny connect before opposing Saturn, which is in retrograde in Aquarius, on August 1st. This is an intense day that will create roadblocks. Be gentle with yourself.
The Sun and Saturn retrograde oppose each other on August 2nd, highlighting your insecurities. Your emotions and self-esteem will be better on August 3rd, though, when Venus, which is in Virgo, connects Uranus, which is in Taurus. Mercury shares a fraught aspect with Uranus on August 3rd, expanding your mind and thoughts. The Leo Sun and Uranus square off on August 6th, making your emotions more excitable than ever.
Below is your weekly horoscope. Make sure to read your rising sign, too.
Be open to the changes and shifts that are occurring at the moment. You are enterprising and opening the door for others to understand what compassion really is. Let yourself be the source of inspiration for your crew. Give them a lot of support and guidance when they need it.
Dear Taurus, this is a beautiful week for your love life, especially if you are looking to strengthen your connections. You will feel truly supported and reunited with those you care about. There is a strong feeling of compassion as mind-expanding experiences propel you forward on a journey that transforms you.
Don’t get too lost in your daydreams this week, starry-eyed Gem! Try to balance out your sentimental notions, which you may feel full on by midweek, with practical insights at the beginning of the week that will allow you not to get lost in your dreams and emotions. Be grounded.
Work is at the forefront of your mind—creating anxieties to rise from within throughout the week. Try relaxing with some self-care by taking a stress-releasing salt bath and a soothing face mask after hours to detox your mind from office politics. Give yourself more love. You deserve it!
Hello, Leo! This is one of those weeks when you’ll be asked to stand your ground and be blunt about what you need in relationships. You have high expectations for your partnerships and if someone isn’t offering you the same energy back, they are not worth your time at all.
There is an overall feeling of immediacy and commitment in your personal love. This is especially true now as you’re seeking to find love and strengthen long-term relationships. You might even consider moving in with your partner this week or sharing property between yourself and a loved one.
It’s a week of building connections and pleasurable experiences. You’ll begin to see someone unfolding in front of you in a way you never expected. You’ll receive an uncanny understanding of others around you which will ultimately propel you to a new level of self-development, which is important to growth.
A lover of change, you’re in the mood to transform not only your heart but your home as well. Step into the new season with a fresh pad and spirit! Your creative urges motivate you to redecorate your personal space for the summer season. Sprucing up your crib will be a lot of fun.
This week brings many twists and turns for you! With your fiery energy, you can master any adversities that stand in your way. After all, you have an extremely brave and courageous heart. Use your power wisely and take control of these situations at full force and gusto.
It’s important to make some discernments in your relationships now so you don’t hurt friends. There is a quality of not giving enough TLC at certain points this week. Mainly it’s because you are undergoing some very strong changes that shift the makeup of your overall life and maturity.
There is a strong soulmate vibe between yourself and a special someone this week, maybe even a possible new romance. Your partnerships will pass the tests of time as well, but all the more for you to truly understand why you are brought to one another in the first place.
You’ll feel alone at points throughout the week. Instead of feeling isolated in your party of one, you should use this energy to heal your heart, mind, and spirit. One does not have to be the loveliest number—focus on the greatest and most relationship of all—the one you have with yourself.