Your HelloGiggles weekly horoscope, April 26th to May 2nd: Chaotic changes are on the horizon

This week’s astrological transits bring major changes your way—most of which will be seen as chaotic and evocative.

Today, April 26th, Mercury—which is in Aries—is squaring off with Jupiter, which is in Capricorn. This transit will expand your mind just in time for the sun and Uranus conjunction in Taurus, which will occur later in the day. You will be cosmically encouraged to walk down the path less taken, a sentiment that will be exacerbated in the backend of the week.

Mercury enters Taurus on April 27th, lending rigidity and practicality to your thoughts. The Nodes of Destiny and Mercury galvanize each other later in the day, which will introduce you to people who may be very important to your future. Mercury and Saturn, which is in Aquarius, share a tense connection on April 28th, resulting in an emotional drama that encourages you to spout words that can hurt. Mercury and Uranus link up on April 30th, allowing you to see matters from a different perspective and forcing you to throw out a treaty.  


Giving yourself the time and space to understand situations that make you feel uncomfortable will allow you to gain a deeper knowledge of yourself this week. You may even become psychologically aware of the reason behind some of your emotions.


It may be a little hard to get a hold on things, especially since your emotions seem to be all over the place. Take a balanced approach to discussing your sentiments openly with your friends; they will come to your aid and help you to understand your feelings.   


Fear may be holding you back from achieving your goals. Unfortunately, it may make you feel stunted and unable to move in any way this week. Rather than allowing your phobias to rule your life, face them head on (if you dare) and show them that you’re in charge of your destiny.  


Aligning with friends who are a bit eccentric will help you find your inner vibes (you know, the ones you’ve suppressed for quite some time). Take a break from following the status quo, and take a cue from your peers who are encouraging you to be 100% real and not fake.  


Even though you knew change was headed your way, nothing prepared you for it to happen this fast. Take a time-out from life to catch your breath as your head may spin double-time if you don’t. Give yourself extra TLC and allow yourself to ebb and flow with the new.  


You’re no shrinking violet, Virgo. When people throw drama your way you can put an end to it with just one text or by simply ignoring the situation. After all, it’s their issue, not yours. And you don’t need to deal with peeps who project their emotions onto you.  


Taking advice from others may create relationship issues this week. The problem is that you’re not presented with all the facts of the matter, and you’re acting on guidance that was given to you that doesn’t tell the full story. Take matters into your own hands and discuss problems openly to avoid drama.  


One-on-one relationships are crazier than ever right now, making you feel as though you’re on a roller coaster ride. Rather than resist the twists and turns, have fun with the unpredictability that love can bring your way—but only if you let go of the need to control the direction of the relationship.  


Your daily routine has been wacky during these long days of self-quarantining. Instead of fighting the urge to work hard all day, embrace the post-lunch afternoon nap, happy hour on Zoom, and conference calls in comfy pajamas. The sooner you embrace this lifestyle, the easier your vibe will be.  


Always one to live by the status quo, your seemingly orthodox views are now changing and becoming more novel and unique. This week will motivate you to spread your wings and fly, if you’re ready. Fly high away from the norm and the constraints that hold you back, sweet sea goat!  


Life has its twists and turns. This week brings personal growth for you, but only if you’re ready to let go of the past and evolve into the future. Handle your personal affairs like a boss. That means cutting ties with those who aren’t serving your best interests. 


For the first time in a very long time, you’re asserting your views (sans remorse). Don’t be afraid to speak up regarding injustices and unfair situations that you see. Your voice can bring you and others power if you allow yourself the chance to be heard in a public forum.  

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