Your HelloGiggles Weekly Horoscope, April 19th to April 25th: It’s time to leave the past behind and grow

Welcome to Taurus season. This week kicks off with the sun entering into the bullish sign on April 19th, which will bring sensuous and artistic visions to light. The next day, the sun gets a karmic connection from the Nodes of Destiny, giving you the incentive to transform and grow.

You will also make fated connections, so keep your ears open for important information during your daily Zoom meeting for work. The sun and the planet Saturn, which is in Aquarius, will give your ego a hard blow, as you hear the words “no” (more than ever) when asking others for assistance or help on the 21st. This will force you to evolve relationships during the Taurus new moon on the 22nd.

Mercury, which is in Aries, squares off with Pluto, which is in Capricorn, leading the second part of the argument from the 21st to revive itself on the 25th.

Later in the day, Pluto starts its moonwalk backwards, allowing us to rethink power struggles and situations that are seemingly unfair. A bit of advice: Don’t force the last word onto others. Sometimes having the final say in the matter is based on unsaid words. Once you say hurtful sentiments, it’s hard to go back. Be kind (although it may be hard when you’re in the actual moment and in the thick of it all) because, in real life, you can’t rewind matters. 

See below for your weekly horoscope, and make sure to check your rising sign as well.


There’s been talk of professional changes at the office, most of which may evolve your role and responsibilities at work. Normally, this would excite your “can-do” sensibilities, but you may not be ready to take on all these duties at once. Take your time to get the hang of things.  


You are beginning to find out where your heart truly lies regarding your career. Letting go of old dreams that no longer suit your current visions—and are holding you back—will be hard but essential, as you’ve dedicated money and resources to them. Walk the line to your future.   


You’re really feeling yourself this week, mostly the result of a budding relationship that’s boosting your confidence. Get to know your new prospective boo on a deeper level. Play fun games like Truth or Dare to flirt your way up from casual to serious relationship status. 


It’s time for you to cut ties or set limits with a few friends as the relationships have become too toxic and are beyond repair. If you decide to hold on to such friendships, be sure to create a little distance between you to avoid dramatic arguments.  


A restructuring at work may leave you feeling blindsided. Before reacting in a dramatic way, try to embrace the newness. Ebb and flow. Don’t let the past hold you back. Move forward. Use your knowledge to expand your role. Become a necessity. Roar on, tenacious lion.  


You’re at an emotional impasse, which is allowing tensions within you to arise. Sometimes doing right for the greater good isn’t what it looks like—especially knowing the ramifications of your choices. Before you sacrifice a lamb to a lion, make sure it’s the right ethical movement for you to make.   


Implementing boundaries with your peers is essential right now as they may take advantage of your kindness and generosity. Before you tilt your scales and give your all to others, make sure your loving cup isn’t running on empty. Always focus on your needs first, then give freely to others.   


Relationships may be a tad rocky this week. However, you’ll be able to flip the dynamic if you give more TLC to your S.O. and to your friendships. Arrange a virtual happy hour with your squad and colleagues. Plan a romantic dinner with your boo—in real life or online—for some one-on-one time.   


Although you’re under self-quarantine, you need some fresh air to stimulate your mind. If you can go for a quick walk around the block, think of it as your therapy time to decompress and get your head on straight (with a face mask, of course).


It’s time for you to forge a new creative path and project. With your earthy, artistic sensibilities, you’ll be able to jumpstart the ultimate inventive and poetic endeavor for the world to see (and benefit from). The sky’s the limit now. Prepare yourself for the impossible!  


You’ve been exploring new ways to spread your wings and find a new mindset. The caveat is that you feel completely stuck at the moment. Before banging your head against the wall in frustration (figuratively, not literally), try adding a little change to your daily routine to inspire the transformation you need.  


A flirtation will bring a smile to your face and even brighten up your day. All the more reason to take your Tinder crush to the next level and plan a digital date. You can head to the Louvre or have a fun evening at the club (via the Houseparty app).  

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